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  1. C

    nVidia releases official 100.54 drivers, promise of new G80 SLI drivers 1/31/07.

    I guess those of us with 5 series GPU's are screwed still :P I really hope we see decent drivers for the 5 series cards soon. I really don't want to have to upgrade my video card just because there's no good vista drivers. For what I need the 5 series cards are still plenty fast enough.
  2. C

    Ultima Underworld Vs. Doom

    Underworld was a fun game to play, but doens't really directly compare to Doom. Both were first person games, with levels and enimies but that's about the end of it from how I see it. Doom, and Wolfenstien 3d before it are the grandfathers of the FPS genre of games. I think Ultima Underworld...
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    More Xbox 360s Dec. 22nd

    yup, the [H] intel was right, when I got to my local best buy this morning 15 minutes before open I was number 10 in line, and there were 15 total units availible. 15 minutes of camping, and I now have an xbox360 to call my own. :D Now if I didn't have to be at work today so I could enjoy...
  4. C

    Would you recommend buying a Dell?

    I use a lot of Dell's at work becuase that's what we're allowed to buy... honestly some of the newer machines that have come in have been okay, but Dell likes to use custom board layouts that are hard if not impossible to replace with off the shelf components. That wouldn't worry me as much...
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    FX5900XT replacement cooler advice?

    For what it's worth I checked again and it's closer to 21mm from PCB to chasis... doesn't leave a lot of room to play with. Any ideas?
  6. C

    FX5900XT replacement cooler advice?

    The fan on my Albatron FX5900XTV card is starting to get a little louder... which means it's time to go shopping around for a replacement cooler. Most of the aftermarket coolers I've been able to find are all two slot, or near two slot coolers. I wouldn't have a problem with that except that...
  7. C

    Computer euthanasia...

    Here's an idea, pack it in a box without any padding (or with very little) and FedEx it to yourself. :D If you get lucky it'll get a nice jolt that should temporarily dislodge the cpu/heat sink just long enough to bend some pins. Instance broken computer. :D