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  1. P

    Galaxy - 8 weeks of Free Video Cards @ [H] - Week 4

    I'm in woooohoooo! :) Thanks for the chance to win Kyle ;)
  2. P

    Best current socket 775 motherboards. Worth the upgrade?

    I have an ASUS P5K Deluxe WiFi currently that I had set up for an RMA due to USB and cold boot issues. I currently have figured out my problems with the P5K but if I send it in I will be getting cash back on the RMA so I can get what ever I want and price is of no concern :). But before I pull...
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    Koolance PC4-1036BK 1,000 watt cooling system

    I’m not sure if this is the pump you are referring to. It’s the only one I can find on the Koolance site. How much quieter is it?
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    Help Me build the ultimate system with 2.5-4K Dollars and a pile of hardware

    Is that only with Raid5. will the parity calculation be a problem with RAID 0 on these new boards. Wonder if I should get a Raid card. Would it be worth it? or is the onboard RAID good? If not what would be a good card to go with.
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    Help Me build the ultimate system with 2.5-4K Dollars and a pile of hardware

    Take her out and romance her. Then at that magic moment slip her the good news about the new core 2 chips and how it will make life even sweeter than it already is. And how life shouldn’t be about money. But, that sometimes it takes a little $ for a lot of happiness. :D Good Luck Man! ;)
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    Help Me build the ultimate system with 2.5-4K Dollars and a pile of hardware

    sounds good! what about one more 74GB raptor and Raid5. I hear it has the benifits of both RAID 1 and 0. any one know of a good solution for this and if it's worth it?
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    Help Me build the ultimate system with 2.5-4K Dollars and a pile of hardware

    What is the very best motherboard right now for the Core2 and Why? can you run a VapoChill all the time like a regular PC. I heard they are loud and take a lot of energy. I would love to get one if it isn’t to loud and can be run all day for regular use with my cpu overclocked year...
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    Help Me build the ultimate system with 2.5-4K Dollars and a pile of hardware

    Underdone, THX for the reply and links! I like what I see. I will look it over closer and tell ya what I think.
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    Help Me build the ultimate system with 2.5-4K Dollars and a pile of hardware

    THX for thinking it over. I can’t wait to see what you guys come up with. My chops are watering as well. I can’t wait to have it here to sink my teeth into. LOL I might try to keep it around $3850 Max. My wife Is cool with the High 3K idea, just over 4k sounds like so much more...
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    Help Me build the ultimate system with 2.5-4K Dollars and a pile of hardware

    Wasn't sure were to post this and the motherboard is always my hardest decision so... Help me build a system and get the biggest bang for my $. I am not a fan of any particular brand, I like what works well. I last built a system over two years ago and have added a few components since. I...
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    Loosing internet after XP in running 2+ hours

    After changing the power settings for my NIC I checked the Network connection advanced details and it says “Lease obtained 03/03/06 9:12:51 PM” and right after says “Lease expires 10/03/06 9:12:51 PM”. I hope this fixes my problem. I will report back in a few hours and let you know. -THX
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    Loosing internet after XP in running 2+ hours

    I was just looking at my Network connection advanced details and it says “Lease obtained 03/03/06 8:42:51 PM” and right after says “Lease expires 03/03/06 9:42:51 PM”. I am not sure what this is but could it expire in one hour and drop my connection? Does anyone know what this is and if it could...
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    Loosing internet after XP in running 2+ hours

    Ya, I was just giving a rough estimate of 2 hours. After it occurs and I correct the problem with disabling and then enabling the local area connection it can reoccur in just a few minutes or last an hour or more. It's quite random in timing. XP firewall is disabled and zonealarm is...
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    Loosing internet after XP in running 2+ hours

    I have been loosing my Internet after 2+ hour of running XP Home . It happened before and I just reloaded a backup image of my drive from a time when connectivity was good and it worked fine for a couple of months and then WHAM!, It happened again. I'm not sure if it's some software I’m...
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    Help Me build a new system with 2000 Dollars and the pile of hardware on my desk :)

    Nice PJ's :) I used to have the P4P800 as well. I RMA'ed it for the Abit IC7. Ya, I would like a relatively quiet PSU. way to many brands to choose from. I currently have 4 HDD's in the case and two external USB 2.0 enclosures for the rest. If I run them all in the case my system gets...
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    Help Me build a new system with 2000 Dollars and the pile of hardware on my desk :)

    OMZ- That board does look great! I wonder if the DFI SLI board would be stable with an X2 and SLI. Hard said it wasn't the most stable board in it's review. I do some encoding and wouldnt want it to crash. JSF35rhino- The DFI-LP SLI looks like a good option for the DRR and overclocking I...
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    Help Me build a new system with 2000 Dollars and the pile of hardware on my desk :)

    Well looks like I will probably go for the 7800GTX, PSU, and Mobo. Will the ASUS SLI board take my 4400+ to 2.6-2.8ghz with good cooling? I have the mushkin 3500 BH5's that like a lot of voltage. how is the VDIMM on the A8N-SLI. Will I need lower voltage DDR and if so can you recommend the...
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    Help Me build a new system with 2000 Dollars and the pile of hardware on my desk :)

    LOL :) I was planning on waiting for the new Zallman 9500 series cooler to come out any day and replace my 7000cu. Or a Koolance EXOS if funds allow I want to be cool and quiet. Hey I wonder if people are like their heatsinks, cool and quiet, Hot and loud. Maybe that’s why my girls heatsink...
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    Help Me build a new system with 2000 Dollars and the pile of hardware on my desk :)

    Wasn't sure were to post this and the motherboard is always my hardest decision so... Help me build a system and get the biggest bang for my $. I am not a fan of any particular brand, I like what works well. I last built a system over two years ago and have added a few components since. I...