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  1. L

    ATI+nVidia in one system?

    I'm using right now while I wait for my eVGA step up to get back. I got it for the same reason as you, so I could output to a TV monitor of some sort. It supports DX10 and is powerful enough to support Aero and it even has played...
  2. L

    Sound Card with Optical SPDIF IN

    Thanks for the info so far, I don't really care whether its PCI-E or just PCI I just wanted to try and free up my last PCI slot for future use but I'm not really worried about it.
  3. L

    Sound Card with Optical SPDIF IN

    That card looks nice, I might even be able to plug my guitar in to it. I just need to know whether it'll mix the sound form the optical in with windows audio and play it through the optical out under Vista. Would you happen to have any insight on that?
  4. L

    Sound Card with Optical SPDIF IN

    I'd really appreciate if you could test it and let me know how it goes. What operating system do you use by the way?
  5. L

    Sound Card with Optical SPDIF IN

    What I want to do is take my optical 5.1 connection from my Xbox 360 and take it through my soundcard and have my soundcard output to my Logitech Z-5500 5.1 speakers either via optical or analog connections. I want to be able to hear 5.1 sound from both my PC and my Xbox without having to switch...
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    Advice on my First New System w/ Watercooling

    Thanks, Ill look into that section more. I still wouldn't mind comments on my system components though :)
  7. L

    Advice on my First New System w/ Watercooling

    Ok, thanks for the info. I would like to make my own kit, I just posted the prebuilt kit because it seems to contain everything I'd need and I would need some direction to make one on my own.
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    Advice on my First New System w/ Watercooling

    So I currently have this setup going: NewEgg Wishlist If anyone has any ideas on things I could change to get more performance for a little more money or slight downgrades that would save me a good amount of money id appreciate hearing them, or any other suggestions for that matter. My main...
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    HardOCP Inspiron XPS Review

    Something cool I learned yesterday is that the Mobility Radeon 9800 is actually based on the X800 instead of the 9800 like the Mobility 9700 being based on the 9700. They just called it the 9800 because supposedly the X800 title is reserved for PCI Express cards and the MR9800 is AGP8x.
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    HardOCP Inspiron XPS Review

    lol oops.... meant 3.4 :P not like it has an option below 3.2 though :P
  11. L

    HardOCP Inspiron XPS Review

    Yeah, from what I have seen, only dell has it. Doesn't even look like Alienware is planning on offering it with their Auora-m64. If the XPS gets such great reviews with the 128MB/128bit 9700, I cant wait to see how my 256MB/256bit Mobility Radeon 9800 will do :D :D :D
  12. L

    HardOCP Inspiron XPS Review

    I just ordered an inspiron XPS 3.4, 1gig, 256 MB 9800! Was wondering if anyone has had any experience with the 256MB 9800. I would be curious to see a follow up review on the new gfx card. :) :D