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  1. E

    Doom 3, am I the only one a bit disappointed?

    I have a question, does anybody else seem to get the feeling that ID was trying to limit the amount of rendering by making the corpses disappear instantly? I wanted to at least see the enemy I killed after hitting it with a grenade or a rocket from afar, but it dissolves the second it dies...
  2. E

    I feel bad for id

    You're kidding right? You actually believe that? Sure, some people will buy it, but a vast majority will not, especially not for a primarily single player game. However, not all tha business is lost business though, most of the people downloading are kids in high school to college, poor...
  3. E

    weapons in doom3 , do you like them?

    The flashlight lights up nearly half the room, I'm not sure what you're talking about. Use it to check out a room before entering, not to light up your enemies. I thought it was very well done. The pistol is the weakest gun and you're fighting zombies and monsters from hell. Somehow you're...
  4. E

    Far Cry vs. Doom3

    I'm honestly now sure what you guys are saying about the AI in doom3. I'll even ignore the monsters for being, since they're supposed to ack like monsters. But here's the situation with every marine. They pop out of nowhere, then start shooting at you. You can shoot at them with a rocket...