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    Fastest cpu speed I can expect on Socket 754 platform?

    Hi everyone, I'm waiting to receive my big 24"LCD and I've been thinking my system might not be fast enough to play games at 1900x1200... Here is my system: AMD64 3400+ S754 | MS Neo Platinum | 2x512MB Ram Kingston | eVGA 6800Ultra | 74GB Raptor etc. I'm thinking the cpu might hold me...
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    Lowest price for 2405 in Canada?

    Hello I just bought mine today for $1050 CDN + 15% taxes = $1207.00 CDN shipped through our corporate account at the company I work for. Can't wait François
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    Thanks for the info. And in very dark scenes, you can still have some contrast and see what is going on? For example there is a scene in a bathroom and it's so dark I can barely see. I am starting to think I may have to go dual 6800 Ultra in SLI, with these huge resolutions, and unfortunately...
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    Hello, This thread is so massive that it has become difficult to go through all the posts to find what I need. But anyways, in the spirit of NOT starting a new thread, what about gaming on the 2405FP, and more specifically, what about Doom 3? I know Doom 3 was not the greatest but it...
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    Call of Duty in widescreen mode?

    not an expert on the subject but you may try these forums widescreen gaming good luck, loved that game
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    2405FPW out of stock

    Best deal I have now is $1050 cdn$ + taxes on the corporate account for the 2405FP with 19 days delivery. Can't believe it could go much lower could it? Lali
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    2405FPW out of stock

    Were it not for the 7 days of Dell deals I would have already ordered it, can't wait to see if there is a special Lali
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    2405FPW out of stock

    # 25% off Dell 2005FPW Coupon: Get 25% off Dell 2005FPW Flat Panels! Expires 4/13/05 at 5:59AM CST. Enter coupon code code: GFLFCL2FDNH8S2 got this information at François
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    Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

    I've heard the company I work for buys a LOT of stuff from Dell every year, and our company allows employees (within reason) to benefit from the rebates awarded to us as we are a mid-sized account at dell. To give you an idea of the rebates we get, $1000 off a fully loaded laptop. ($4000...
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    got samsung 930b, so far dissapointed

    I don't know if I want an LCD for gaming only then !! 85% reading on the net, excel / word 15% playing games I would go nuts if my LCD wasn't good for reading Thanks for your comments, I was considering this monitor (930B) and now my search is more towards a good LCD for reading that...
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    Post your x800xl benchies

    Guys 12,000 is what I got in 3marks2k3 with my nVidia 6800 Ultra. Are you telling me I would have the same score in a single-slot card that is quieter and does not require plugging w/molex connectors ? If so that's awesome Thanks François
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    1905FP any good for gaming?

    steviep, thanks for the heads-up, appreciate that very much. Is there another LCD based on the same panel as the Hyundai, or is it the only one? The Hyundai is a bit difficult to find in Canada (only found Tigerdirect) and it would be great if I could find the same level of performance in...
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    1905FP any good for gaming?

    steviep in which lcd monitors can we find these tn+ panels? thanks very much for this thread, I was really considering a 1905fp. I need an 19" LCD monitor that is truly excellent for gaming. Which would you consider / suggest?? It must support dvi. Thanks François
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    Sufficient power for Evga 6800 Ultra

    Dojo Warlord, you have the best power supply in the industry, of course it works ! :) spin02, have a look at this (power supply drawing): eVGA instructions Thanks François
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    WTF D3 keeps crashing to desktop

    Hello, do you use generic ram, or el cheapo ram? I changed my ram from Samsung Hynix to Kingston and the crashes stopped. François
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    Probs with Doom III - GF6800 Ultra. Plz help a (relatively) newb :-(

    H3llF1re I think you have a good system and it's too bad you are having issues. I'd like to tell you what I went through; I just changed my mobo+cpu to Asus P4C-800deluxe and P4 3.0 @800Mhz to go with my eVGA 6800Ultra. I was also using 1gb of samsung/hynix ram that previously had worked...
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    Just received my new computer. Is this a good 3DMark03 score for it?

    Hello, For your information I got 12,300 from this system, no optimizations or overclocking: Pentium 4 3.0Ghz / 1GB ram / eVGA 6800 Ultra You have a much much faster processor - is this benchmark not affected by the cpu? François
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    Doom 3 lockups on 9800pro

    BennyB is your hard disk fragmented? Sounds totally silly but mine was at 15% and I defragged and I never had a problem anymore François
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    eVGA a safe buy?

    I just bought a eVGA 6800 Ultra and I think it's the best money I've spent in a long long time (on my pc) François
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    The Screen Shot Thread!

    Hello Glyphic, Do you know what is causing this? I've experienced exactly the same thing as you and I don't know how to fix it. François
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    I got doom3, LOTS OF PICS and impressions

    You know oqvist you really have a point. I don't mind dark, but in many screenshots I've seen (not the ones in this thread) there seems to be a lack of contrast, where everything is so dark you can't even make out the enemies. I pity the people using cheap LCD's with poor contrast ratios...
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    I got doom3, LOTS OF PICS and impressions

    OrionNT, I just thought about something.... In the [H] doom3 benchmarks, John Carmack said: A note on overclocking: it is very likely that overclocked configurations that "play everything else perfectly" will start to show problems on D3 due to new usage patterns. Everyone is of course free...
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    I got doom3, LOTS OF PICS and impressions

    OrionNT, You have a truly kick-ass system and I am surprised to hear what you're telling us. I have a P4 3.0/1gb/6800 Ultra/74gb Raptor and when I get the game I will write up how it went, just to compare notes. I must have formatted 3 times already in two weeks just to make sure...
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    How Much Ram are you loading up on for Doom III ?

    I currently have 1GB and I hope it's going to be enough. Depending on the results of Kyle's Doom3 Hardware guide I may go for more if needed. François
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    ok 754 and 939 questions

    Hello, I agree it appears to be a very solid value these days (socket 754) However, what will happen when you want to upgrade your CPU later? You will have to change your mobo once again since everything will be socket 939. François