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  1. G


    Maybe 2005's backlights are fixed...? *rhetorical*
  2. G

    Dell 2405FPW Color Accuracy?

    On my $89 17" CRT, the only difference I can see are the last two blocks, which I can just faintly make out.
  3. G

    Samsung 970P Black

    Ah, so the 2005FPW may not be as good for viewing DVDs then? And I don't game very often-I'm not a big FPS guy anyway. I mainly use my monitor for Painter and Photoshop work (not professional though), general computer stuff like browsing, and the occasional movie and game. Looking at this, it...
  4. G

    Samsung 970P Black

    MZ6, compared to the 2005FPW does the 970P also have better color reproduction and less color issues (banding, etc)? I'm still trying to decide between these two.
  5. G

    710T, vinny77 was right ?

    Also, make sure you use DVI! I hear Samsung hooks the analogue adapter as the default cable.
  6. G

    My 710T came in.

    Awesome, thanks towert :) I hope to see some updates to this review once you get your DVI capable computer :D I should be ordering this monitor very soon.
  7. G

    Just got my 710T!! :-D

    Another question for Bomberman (or any other 710t owner): would you say that the 710t would be suitable for digital painting programs, like Painter?
  8. G

    My LCD is too bright.

    Perhaps the games you're playing have separate controls for brightness, contrast, gamma, etc?
  9. G

    Just got my 710T!! :-D

    Oh, I was curious if the 710T was decent at scaling. Can it scale down to 1024x768 decent enough? If it can't, no biggy.
  10. G

    Just got my 710T!! :-D

    towert, I'm concerned about LCD's color capabilities as well, so I searched around a bit and I think you might be interested in this: