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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    Hehe..well the motherboard driver update didn't fix the problem either..My last choice was to load a system restore point of a couple of days ago, this got it working again. Altough when i loaded the restore point and made the reboot, I saw microsoft update asking to update some stuff again...
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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    Its in Ultra DMA Mode 5, Will try to update the motherboard drivers, tomorow morning, got to get some sleep now, I'll let you guys know if it helped or not, Cya tomorrow And thanks for the help so far, really apreciate it :)
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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    I've set the virtual memory to 2048MB, and made another reboot, but this didnt fix the problem, I know its a setting or something because the pc can take a lot more then requesting properties of a 4mb file and keep hanging on this. I find this really strange and I actually dont know where the...
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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    It already had the virtual memory configured correctly, start size: 1536MB Max Size: 3072MB As for the file indexing, I disabled it but it didnt improve anything so far. Pulled out the USB cable to, but also without any improvement.. Any other ideas what might cause this? :confused:
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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    If you could tell me how to "disable file indexing", and now you mention "when a device is being read or scanned", could this also be a USB cable wich is plugged in for my digital camera? I got the cable in the usb, but the camera isnt plugged in, could it be it keeps on scanning for the camera?
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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    Hmm Ok..mate :D Well, I did download a movie, but didnt install/edit any driver.. Also I didnt have this problem before yesterday night..seems something really messed up. As for the processes, nothing really suspicious there, when opening a mp3 (wich also can take up to 5sec) it shows...
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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    What do you need to translate? Its how you say the words..but whatever.. srry for the language i'm not from England, sorry for the bad language ---> Total: 120GB Maxtor 8Mb Cache ---> Free: 90.3GB Seems enough to me Defragged 3days ago
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    XP opening/renaming files slow...

    Hi, First off i'll say hello to all the users in here since this is my first post so, Hello m8s :cool: , now the serious stuff. Since last night when i try to open files like a mp3 i have to w8 5/7sec, you see the sandbar turning and then it opens the file, same goed for...