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  1. G

    GALLERY! Show off your Home Theater!

    Bigh, I will post pics of my home theatre when I get home. Maybe you can take some of what I did and incorporate it in your theatra... although I dont think your room is as big as mine. I will post pics when I get home.
  2. G

    WoW Consumes You

    Is anyone on Uther Server?
  3. G

    X800XTPE for $420

    Maybe, but I have been waiting for my card from gateway that I would have gotten for $386 for the x800xt, after tax and shipping. I have been waiting for about 6
  4. G

    BF Vietnam mods?

    HMmm well obviously you are a moron cause thats what the WW2 patch does for the game. And secondly you obviously suck at it. So kindly dont post in here again with of topic stupid remarks. Other than the new WW2 patch there really isn't anything else out there.
  5. G

    ATI X800XT PE Discontinued???

    I orderd mine on 6/13! Why?
  6. G

    ATI X800XT PE Discontinued???

    So where are they? Its septemeber but no cards. I still have my damned Gateway order on backorder. x800xt pe for $397 after tax and shipping.
  7. G

    X800 XT PE at for $434.95 going to my 3rd manager......SO far i have been told that they will keep my order, as long as i understand it may be a long time till they get it in stock. But.....i am being sent to another person so who knows what they will tell me. OH! and I orderd mine on 6/13! and I got the...
  8. G

    X800 XT PE at for $434.95

    I will most definitely report them and call them and tell them that the must give me the card for the original price. In fact im gonna call them right now and see what they say
  9. G

    MMORPG Decision

    WOW from all that i have read and herd is gonna be a shit storm. Worse than doom3, all the hype and nothing to back it up with. The p2p sucks.....the lvling is easy......the skills are limited.....the items are limited.......WOW is gonna be shit is a box. Just like doom 3....... TO MUCH HYPE AND...
  10. G

    Games with a great story

    Fallout doesn't come just blows torment out of the water. Fallout and fallout 2 best story period
  11. G

    BETA for AOA alien invasion

    Yeah the beta is on their homepage. I got the cd key and everything for the beta last week I have not previously plaid the game so it was a large dnld
  12. G

    BETA for AOA alien invasion

    I just signed up for the new alien invasion beta. However, Im sure it will end soon but i want to get the most out of it. So is there anyone else involved in it that can help me out and show me the ropes......give me some items or money or anything to get me going a little quicker. Maybe suggest...
  13. G

    Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

    Your not that old im only 20, but i still know when something is good and unique and when its the same old crap that has been around for the last 10 years and hasn't changed.
  14. G

    Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

    Ok but counterstrike was made by the developer not the kids who played counterstrike. And it is sold separately. Not only that but it took the genre from shitty as games like doom3 and quake and unreal. (All of which never should be sold and burned) from just running around shooting with no...
  15. G

    Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

    all of California is named in some crazy Spanish term. And this area is a very nice area. 40 minutes from frisco, 20 minutes from santa cruz, and if you would like.....check out how much the homes goes for here. There isn't any house or shack that isn't worth at least a million. And to those...
  16. G

    Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

    LOL, its funny he would say that too. Considering the misfits are a huge groupy band. People who enjoy and dress like the misfits are as bad as joks in my opinion. You buy into the whole look and look like everyone around you. Get real............There is no such thing as non-comformist anymore.
  17. G

    NOT a Doom 3 thread!

    You would have to come out with some crazy virtual 3d reach out and touch me graphics to say that fallout is a bad game due to the graphic quality. And just to rant a lil, That’s the problem with kids today. They think a game is good just cause of the graphics. Game developers don’t make...
  18. G

    Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

    LOL, Its always good to laugh in the morning. :D I do believe that half-life 2 will come with similar results, because of how long these crappy computer game company's are taking to release a game. They need to stop spouting of about games they wont have out for 2 years or 1 or even 6...
  19. G

    NOT a Doom 3 thread!

    NOOOOOOO get fallout 2, you will love it, i swear!!!
  20. G

    Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

    Not true.....I just got this comp as a gift.....$2k I loved the first one. It was one of the first of its kind. Played it for ever, but games have evolved past this pointless crap.
  21. G

    Finally got my money back for DOOM 3

    This game was a joke. I had to fight tooth and nail to return the game and get my money back for DOOM 3. Hell, they should pay me for going through the toruble of putting the piece of shit on my computer. ALL doom 3 games need to be burned and never talked about again.
  22. G

    Far Cry vs. Doom3

    doom 3 was a joke. I made Fry's give me my money back.
  23. G

    Any Anarchy Online players here?

    WOW is gonna be a huge joke, just like doom 3. I baught it and made Fry's give me my money back. What a shitty game doom 3 is and by the looks of it WOW is gonna be the same disapointment
  24. G

    NOT a Doom 3 thread!

    Fallout will not want to play anything else for a while
  25. G

    id Software's Official DOOM3 Benchmarks

    doom 3 stores now! gonna go buy me it from fry's after work in about 3 hours.
  26. G

    Fallout 3........

  27. G

    Fallout 3........

    what an idiot
  28. G

    tips and tricks for the Abit IC7-MAX3

    K that worked thanks for the advice.
  29. G

    Fallout 3........

    and what do you think is behind all the censorship? Ummm government. And what’s behind government? Ummm business. And what’s behind business? Ummmm money. Profits is what drives it. But when they start to manipulate normal people and start to use the government to take advantage of the...
  30. G

    tips and tricks for the Abit IC7-MAX3

    Thanks for all the help. Ill try it all when I get home and let you guys know how it turns out.
  31. G

    Fallout 3........

    *RANT* ERRRRR, what the hell is going on with this world? Pretty soon everything is gonna be illegal and filtered through the government for brain washing purposes. I swear....this country needs to wake up and stop all the filtering and mind controlling and propaganda that the government is...
  32. G

    I have Logitech Z-680's, will Doom3 use the digital surround?

    What cable do I use for the digital on my audigy 2 zs and the logitech z-680's? i have them set up as analog right now i believe. The digital port on the sound card is empty.
  33. G

    tips and tricks for the Abit IC7-MAX3

    k well how about how to make a sata and ide ata drive work together? I put everything on my 120 sata drive. And was working with that. I took a western digital ide ata drive out of my old case to move some info music movies etc. And it tried to boot to the wd drive and came up with a no os found...
  34. G

    Fallout 3........

    Yeah, nowhere near as good as much fantasy. I really liked the whole theme to the game along with the gameplay. Boulders gate just didnt do it for me.
  35. G

    Fallout 3........

    Well I was a huge fan of fallout 2. I would have to say it was my favorite game ever taking up more of my time than anything else i have ever playd. My question to all of you is...are there any other games out there past or present or future that is like the fallout series? Not the crappy...
  36. G

    I have Logitech Z-680's, will Doom3 use the digital surround?

    I have the same setup as you but where do you plud the digital into? What cord is that? I just got the 3 analog connectors. Maybe I should have read the instructions of the speakers and the sound card before I threw them away.......... :confused:
  37. G

    Abit ic7-max3 problem--Can you help?

    I looked around on those other boards that were linked to, and found some other people with my same problem but no answeres. Noone seems to know how to make a ide hard drive work with a sata drive for this mother board.
  38. G

    Abit ic7-max3 problem--Can you help? do I change the drives around? I have alrdy been to that screen many times. But i tried most keys that work on other bios's and nothing would change the order.........??
  39. G

    Abit ic7-max3 problem--Can you help?

    Nope it doesnt see it in the bios or in the windows when i set it up so that its the slave through the bios. And when i set it up as normal for the IDE and all default in the skips my sata drive and trys to boot from the western digital ide drive. And the NO OS error came up.
  40. G

    Abit ic7-max3 problem--Can you help?

    PLS any help would be good!