Search results

  1. S

    Disk I/O Error on bootup

    Okay, I found it and it was enabled. For some reason or another, I can no longer read my Windows CD. I'm contacting newegg right now. Only thing is that I don't know which harddrive is messed up. I have them set up as RAID0 so could be either one.
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    Disk I/O Error on bootup

    I really have no idea. I'm looking in my BIOS right now and the only thing I see is "SMART LAN"
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    Disk I/O Error on bootup

    Hello, I recently installed Windows Vista 64bit on my computer. Everything was working fine until this morning when my mouse was acting strange. It couldn't click on anything, it would just hover over things and they would change colors indicating I could click on them, but nothing would...
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    First build $650 machine

    Core 2: CPU Intel Core2 Quad Q9400 2.66GHz 6MB L2 Cache LGA 775 95W Quad-Core Processor Motherboard GIGABYTE GA-EP45-UD3P LGA 775 Intel P45 ATX Intel Motherboard Core i7: CPU Intel Core i7 920 2.66GHz 4 x 256KB L2 Cache 8MB L3 Cache LGA 1366 Quad-Core Processor Motherboard MSI...
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    First build $650 machine

    Core 2: CPU and Motherboard Core i7: CPU and Motherboard Both mother boards have the right slots so I think this stuff will be consistent for both: Case Power Supply (Question: Is this enough power for the video card?) Video Card Memory Hard drive DVD Burner Sound Card
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    First build $650 machine

    Heh. In truth, I really have no idea what that is. Until looking into building a PC like 2-3 weeks ago, I knew nothing and well still don't know a lot about hardware. I've been just looking at this and then going on newegg and trying to play around with prices and customize it a little to my...
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    Looking to buy a tablet

    Why exactly do you want it for notes? I've found that I plain old writing really isn't that fast or fluid with a tablet. I mean, if you are using a tablet you are already on a computer so why not just type notes? Also, depending on how you normally hold a pen you might get really nasty blisters...
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    First build $650 machine

    Thanks everyone for all your help but my plans are going to change a little. By sheer and complete luck my budget just when up to around $1000 if I just wait a little until after the holiday season, which is fine by me :D So what I'm thinking of doing is picking out (but not buying it) a...
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    First build $650 machine

    I'll be sticking with Windows XP. Though I can get a Vista upgrade through student discounts for $70ish... Maybe later
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    First build $650 machine

    Oh wow, thanks for all the replies. Sorry for the slow response, this week was hectic. Next round of questions: - Whats the difference between these two? I'm looking at the specs and I don't really see a difference. (I'd rather get CoD4 for 5 more dollars if they are the same) Wow...
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    First build $650 machine

    Hello, I've decided this go around to build a computer instead of buying a pre-packed one. I've read a lot of "how to build" guides and I think I got all the pin settings and slots right but I'd like another set of eyes to check and make sure I did. Here it goes Motherboard: GIGABYTE...
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    Free stuff from

    Is a reply to the email absolutely necessary? I wouldn't want to actually work to get somethere for free... :rolleyes:
  13. S

    Admin: Please delete

    Woohoo! In before it is locked!
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    Free Hackers DVD from Kellogs

    The only way I am watching Hackers again is if someone pays me. This deal is like a free prostate exam. It may be free, but you come out of it emotionaly scared.
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    Critique my portfolio layout.

    I like your second one better. I have yet to make my own portfolio :rolleyes: I really need to....
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    Car Vectoring?

    I have to agree with EGGO on this. Everyone wants a quick fix for vectoring or cell shading (basically the same thing). Now you can use the cutout filter, but the results shows about how much effort you put into it (aka it looks like crap). The best and easiest way to vectorize (is that even a...
  17. S

    free Architecture Book

    I got mine today. Finally something that I actually wanted came. It is amazing.
  18. S

    free wallet

    Seeing as you were the first of us to sign up (if you did), have you gotten anything TTP? For some reason, I don't think this one will be coming.
  19. S

    free Architecture Book

    Has anyone in the SouthEast gotten this yet? I ordered mine within hours of when TTP posted it, but I haven't gotten it yet. I hope it comes.
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    Free Windoze XP SP2 CD from M$

    I got mine today also.
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    free wallet

    I always give out all real information except my phone number for this reason.
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    Free gmail invites

    Thanks! Now I can say bye to yahoo's 100 mb limit!
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    Some dark art

    Thanks Everyone! No. I got her off deviantART stock photoshops. Her name is Nikki or something. Oh, MadJuggla9, what did you do to her eyes. They look quite freaky... I don't know how many of you go to IDigital Emotion, but they have a lot of photoshop tutorials and stuff. They also have...
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    5 Free Gaming Mags

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    FREE LED Mouse
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    Some dark art

    C&C welcome.
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    Doom 3 at circuit city 44.99

    It is hard, I mean [h]ard, to say if it is real or not. Alot of people think it is the company trying to get it back. While others think the two are in one it. But if I remember from selling on eBay, don't you have to pay a percentage to eBay from the final price? If so, that will be quite a...
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    Racing Flix Decal

    Those aren't working for me.
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    Doom 3 at circuit city 44.99

    Who would what to wait and buy it for $44.99, when you could buy it right now for $20,000,100.00 on eBay.
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    2gb free hotmail

    Yup. I got two accounts. :p
  31. S

    25 Free Digital Photo Prints at Target

    It expired a good 20 days ago.
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    Free Game Developer Magazine! 1yr

    Best analogy ever... right... I have heard better analogies from Bush supporters, and that is saying something. Now leave you homophobic, you are probably late for the clan meeting anyway.
  33. S

    2gb free hotmail

    Nice! Thanks for posting it. I now have like over 10gb of storage. I probably won't even use any of it. Oh well. Thanks again!
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    Dumpster Diving!

    I can't remember the exact law, but it says that the instant something goes into the trash, it is public property. I know it is the new england area, but I don't know if it is everywhere.
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    FREE 32 MB Dell Memory Stick (DEAD)

    Oh crap. I just threw away a Dell Magazine I got.
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    Dumpster Diving!

    Does anyone know what to look for when trying to find out? I have looked but I can't find anything. For anyone that lives in Georgia (I live in metro-atlanta), is DDing legal?
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    G-Mail Invites consolidated here!!!

    How do you get invites? I have had gmail for three weeks now, but I haven't gotten any invites.
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    Opinion: Worst looking Case.

    What kind of dentist do you go to?
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    Probably Stupid Stealthing Question

    nm, I found out. I feel stupid now.
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    Probably Stupid Stealthing Question

    This is probably stupid, but how do you manually open your drives if they are shealthed? Do you take the cover off?