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  1. K

    Latching Sata Cables FTW!

    Day-Ta , Dah-Ta Toe-May-Toe Toe-Ma-Toe You're prolly one of those ppl that say Bi-ohs instead of Bi-ahs, and Cee-Dee-ROME instead of Cee-Dee-rom :D
  2. K

    Robot Band

    They still play music on MTV??!!! *sorry i couldn't resist lol*
  3. K

    Canada To Overhaul Copyright Laws

    About 80% of the driving population out there, need to give their heads a shake.... I agree ppl shouldn't be driving 80-90 km/h in a 100km/h zone, in the left lane, that is dangerous and dumb, just as much as driving 150km/h in a 100 zone. I personally drive 10 over the limit, 90km/h in...
  4. K

    Canada To Overhaul Copyright Laws

    Actually come to think of it, they shouldn't have to go around me anyways... cause they all drive in the fricken middle lane anyways... i guess ppl forget it's stay to the right except to pass...... I remember the reason i stay off the 400 series highways now...
  5. K

    Canada To Overhaul Copyright Laws

    And if people weren't breaking the speed laws, it wouldn't be an issue would it... god some ppl are dense. and i'm pretty sure Young Drivers doesn't mean to break rules to "go with the flow" lol that would be rediculous. i don't need to go back to driving school, i got 100% on both my...
  6. K

    Canada To Overhaul Copyright Laws

    You better not drive in my area, cause i'll take your tag and call the OPP on the spot driving like that. See this is the problem, ppl think it's "ok" to drive that fast... well it's not "ok" to kill a few people on the 401 because you're a moron. Not to mention the money your wasting in...
  7. K

    Poll: Reliability of Various Storage Drives

    1 yes (too many to count) 2 yes (Lexar 128M Jumpdrive) 3 no - never used 4 yes 5 yes (back in the dos days) 6 yes (4G DAT)
  8. K

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Sorry about the crappy cam quality:
  9. K

    A64 and RAM

    I'm runnin 2 x 512M Generic no name ram in my A64 2800+ @ 2.3GHz ALL default voltages runs 25 degrees idle (Cool 'n Quiet R0x0rz) MSI K8N Neo Platinum 256x9 3X HT : 166Mem dividor I think you should try maybe runnin 2 sticks instead of 4 for a bit and see if it helps...