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  1. X

    Corsair H80/Asus P9X79 Pro - fan questions

    Thanks! So it seems I should use CPU_FAN for the H80 controller (just pump rpm monitoring, no speed control) and then plug the two GT's into a couple of chassis fan headers.
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    Corsair H80/Asus P9X79 Pro - fan questions

    Hi all. I'm building a new PC with these parts. Previously I've done fan control very basic with Zalman FanMates. This time I want to do variable fan speeds vs CPU temp, but it's new to me. I have Scythe Gentle Typhoon AP-15's to replace the Corsair fans. This is what I think I know and plan...
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    TRUE fan recommendations?

    Got my 1366 True tonight. In case anyone's wondering... the new fan shroud works fine for 120x38mm fans. It's obviously designed for the thinner fan they ship with it, but everything holds secure with the thick fan, once you push all those plastic fingers firmly into the heatsink fins.
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    High-Tech vs Loud Movie Patrons

    The original article says "high tech" solution? They're using a $10 pager, lol. Is that the 4 GHz pager with 94x Antialiasing?
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    Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme sighted at

    Hmm, now the status has changed to "Pre-order, will ship Wednesday May 23rd." So we'll see. Newegg still says ETA 06/01/07.
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    Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme sighted at

    They're listing it in stock as of this morning, $64.99. I don't know anything about epowerhousepc, but nobody else has the product right now. However, read the reviews at newegg, re quality control problems with this bad boy.
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    1950XTX Crossfire - Driver issues

    6.10 betas, from the link i gave earlier. That was always my plan, but it's nice to see that AACDIRECT says he has no problems with them and a 1950 crossfire setup.
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    1950XTX Crossfire - Driver issues

    As far as I know, these drivers will all support a Crossfire setup just fine. The drivers in the box are catalyst 6.8, usually later version of the drivers work better but not always. Right now I have my x1950xtx Crossfire master and slave cards sitting on my kitchen table waiting for the...
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    1950XTX Crossfire - Driver issues

    Check the ATI-specific forum. You can install either the beta 6.10's or the hacked/fixed 6.9's, both should work. The "hack" to fix the 6.9's is smply to add the correct x1950 entries to the .INF files.
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    Wait for DX10 to upgrade?

    DX10 will only work on Vista, NOT on Win XP. This means that game publishers will not be able to make any money selling DX10-only games until 18-24 months after Vista is released. There just won't be enough installed base. The games which have announced DX10 "support" are just using DX10...
  11. X

    Help, what to do now.

    Probably leave it alone and don't install the Arctic. Too dangerous, now. Next, so you don't do this again, go to Home Depot and buy one of those little cases of jewellers screwdrivers. Your problem was almost certainly caused by using a screwdriver head too big for the job.