Search results

  1. P

    Quake 4 in PCGamer

    I thought we were talking engine/story here. If you wanna talk MP gameplay, then I'd have to agree that Q3 is definatley the best twitch FPS out there. Thats still no reason to pair it with a shitty ladder style single player experience. In fact, it's all the more reason that a good single...
  2. P

    Quake 4 in PCGamer

    Engine, maybe, but only cause it's the most recent. Game, never. Not to start the whole UT v. Quake thing, but Q3TA was nothing special. As opposed to the original Quake, which has the best story, and was most importantly the first "killer app" that necessitated a video card upgrade, if you...
  3. P

    FS: Water Cooling Tower

    Is that chipset cooler suitable for a radeon 9800 pro?
  4. P

    Koolance Case For Sale & CPU Cooler

    I like to buy this case, however, I would need a model number, colour, etc. A picture would help too.
  5. P

    WTB Athlon XP 2600+ and PC2100 ram

    Hey all, I'm looking to buy a 2600+ and some ram for an older system I want to upgrade. Also, I figure I might as well get some more ram while I'm at it. PC2100, and nothing below 256MB. If you've got either of these items, or both, please email me.