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    Need to upgrade x800 pro and you know... AGP...

    awesome guys! thanks for all the replys.. I guess i didnt understand the benifits of dual cores and the such, with the GHZ range still so close to what i have currently [CPU WISE] but i will wait and save the money for the PCI-E rig and will go AMD as that is what i hade for the 2 previouse...
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    Need to upgrade x800 pro and you know... AGP...

    So... i have come to the point where i must upgrade. I have gotten all i can out of my x800 pro.. it is an x800 xt now with 16 pipes and OC'd to 525 and 500 i can go alittle higher but not much.. i get 60FPS with most bells and wistles in quake 4 and FEAR was ok with custom settings and lower...
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    What's in your Doom III box?

    My Machine: P4 2.8 GhZ 800 MhZ OC @ 3.36 GhZ Asus P4C 800 Deluxe 1 Gig Corsair XMS TWINX pc3200 (ddr 400) ram in dual channel ATi AIW 9800 Pro ATi 7500 PCI 2X NEC 22" FE2111SB Displays Maxtor 120 Gig Serial ATA CREATIVE Audigy 2 CREATIVE Megaworks THX 5.1 550 Logitech Mx700...
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    Looking for new monitor... Advice? Please?

    Just saw that they put the 2001FP on sale tonight as i was looking at around 10pm MST and went back around 1:30 and it was on sale..... The sale is $899.10 from $999.90 I am having issues w/ the whole LCD thing too and like this one and the 1901FP,, $100.10 saving! something to consider...
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    DELL 1901FP or 2001FP???

    OK so 1st off my options are limited due to credit account w/ Dell only.. So that said my options are either of the two Dell models: 1901FP and 2001FP I Have searched the forums [now that search finally works for the 1st time ive tried in 6 years!] so I read and read about the ghosting issue...