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  1. E

    AMD 3500+ stock

    Ah, once again, something is rotten in denmark. :D
  2. E

    Amd 64 Mobo

    I have the Soltek board. Seems very stable --> So far. I got this unit in yesterday and Let it run overnight before I OC'd it. I'm running a 3200+ newcastle @ 2.42 (220fsb) with stock fan and stock voltages. I am really liking it so far.
  3. E

    Mouse error with 8KDAJ?

    Replace the batteries?
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    GA-K8NSNXP-939 - nothing but problems :( need help!

    This may be a dumb queston but here it goes.... Are you loading the latest SATA drivers from a floppy disk? (I would think not since you mentioned your floppy isn't working) I would think it would require that. Also If the light stays on on the floppy drive then you have your cable reversed.
  5. E

    What's in your Doom III box?

    Things Already in Possession: 36" Panasonic HDTV(19" Trinitron to fall back to if I can't get this set the way I want to) 250 Gb Western digital HD 512Mb ddr400(Crosair) 450W Sparkle PSU Antec 1040 aluminum clone w/window. SB Audigy EDIT: Forgot my Onkyo HT760 to do the dolby 6.1...
  6. E

    Memory problems with Gigabyte Socket 939 board

    How does this thing run? If you don't mind me asking you a few questions: Where did you get the mobo/ what did you have to pay for it? Dou you think dual channel is worth the extra $
  7. E

    Good home theater speaker systems? Intimus?

    I own the Onkyo ht 760(entry level stuff). I am really pleased. Especially for the $. This Item probably isn't going to get on your short list, but I would definitely consider Onkyo's higher end equipment if I had more $ to spend.