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  1. D

    My college says no Athlons....

    I didn't bother reading the entire 10 pages but from what I read in the first few and the last it seems NJIT simply hired a chimpanzee to write their hardware requirements doc. The funniset part is all the people saying 'just dont tell them youre using a amd64." That is so ludicrous it's...
  2. D

    Emachines M6809... sparks and pictures "Fire Plug"

    Matt I would give that pr guya call and see what he can do for ya. And as for Dell they make great laptops but have also gone back to the barrel approach for the D series of centrino laptops. What they don't have in common with the emachine is... METAL STICKING INTO THE AREA THE PLUS GOES IN...
  3. D

    Emachines M6809... sparks and pictures "Fire Plug"

    DEJAL could you snap up a pic so we can see if it looks to be a design flaw or quality assurance issue.
  4. D

    Post your Linux Programs

    superadduser is a nice little script for user creation.
  5. D

    Emachines M6809 -- Personal review

    I was the lucky soul who had the pleasure of installing gentoo for Mattyboy. All I can say is that I was VERY impressed with the performance of the hardware (been waiting for a machine like this since opterons announcement) as it destroyed any code I threw at it. For any gentoo users it was a...
  6. D

    Dell Latitude C400 CPU Problems

    Does that model have thermal protection. You could be having heat issues and the laptop could be throttling due to that? IIRC thats a pentium-m which I believe has this capability.
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    Are high temperatures a problem for my laptop?

    centrino's are the ish... even when compiling KDE from source it doesnt get hotter than 55C assuming <90 ambient.
  8. D

    Dell sucks

    Ive got three Dell laptops... all work perfectly and have never had problems. The difference is that they are all business class machines not inspirons. (L400 C610 D600) My .02 anyway.
  9. D

    Emachines M6809... sparks and pictures "Fire Plug"

    Whats the ramification of you not looking at the picture closely before you tell Matt to RTFM? OOH I know! You look like an idiot... There is a piece of the chassis sticking out into the area where you plug the power in. You could brush that when unplugging it even if the manual says to plug...