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  1. J

    How to get Office key from hard drive?

    To further expand, Run Magic Jellybean, Click Tools, Load Hive, and browse to that computer's Windows folder. It should find the key no problem.
  2. J

    Funniest Game Tag/ Name

    I usually use umopap!sdn when I play Laser-Tag or on a game where I don`t want to use my usual tag.
  3. J

    Need help seting up an SFTP server

    Ok, so I'm trying to install an SFTP server on a Windows 7 box. I've tried Sysax, and FreeFTPd. Sysax I've had trouble with and their customer support service is the worst I've seen. FreeFTPd I am having trouble with because it would not accept the public key that was created (outside of the...
  4. J

    Barcode scanners that can read Windows' Product Key?

    We bought a Motorola barcode scanner for taking inventory in our office. The thing is, it doesn't read the Product Key for Windows' licences. When we scan the barcodes, one gives us this xxxxxx-xxx and the other a xxxxx-xxx-xxx-xxx type number. A co-worker suggested that it was encrypted and...
  5. J

    Disabling Autosave in the registry?

    Is there a way to disable Autosave in the registry for Excel 2003? I cannot disable it the normal way because there would have to be hundreds of profiles to go through to disable it on. Thanks in advance :)
  6. J

    Changed Domain to Workgroup! Help!

    Alright, so I messed up my dad's work computer, I needed to change the domain to a Workgroup, and when that happened, it disabled my Dad's account, and now I can't log in anymore, is there any way to get the domain to display again at logon? (running Windows 2000 Professional) I also cannot log...
  7. J

    Trying to find an old NES game

    Well the title says part of it. But I'm trying to find the name of a particular game back in the NES days. You were a soldier/robot of some sort and you started off as a robot, and then if you jumped and held it long enough, you would transform into a plane. I remember the game was on one of the...
  8. J

    Oracle / Sql Plus confusion

    It's alright, I needed to set this up for my whole class actually, :rolleyes: . It was something about setting up a database at the begining to begin with.Thank you anyways, I appreciate it :) .
  9. J

    Oracle / Sql Plus confusion

    Actually, pretty damn sad, but that didn't help at all. Needless to say, I couldn't find where to put that... :o So I decided to mess around somewhere..and it worked, I just looked around almost every program that came with it, and set up whatever... Thanks anyways though, I will use that site...
  10. J

    Oracle / Sql Plus confusion

    The basics of this stupid question is: I installed Oracle (Enterprise Edition) to work at home for school work. Install went fine (Maybe I went to fast, which comes to the problem, maybe...) I open SQL Plus, and The Username / Password / Host String field pops up. At school, we don't bother...
  11. J

    48-Bit LBA Question

    I'm not asking about that, I already knew that I was going to lose some space, but my question is that am I fine running 48 Bit LBA on Windows XP without any Service Packs?
  12. J

    48-Bit LBA Question

    I have a computer with Windows Xp Professional and I bought myself a new 250 Gig Hard drive. At first it did not recognize the 250 (Only 131 or something like that) So I read the sticky in this forum and I saw that you can change a value in the registry and it would recognize it. Now I...
  13. J

    9600 AIW on a Win2k3

    I installed an AIW 9600 on a computer (Intel P.4 3.2 Ghz, 512 mb RAM) and installation from the CD didn't work. I ran it through the "Found New Hardware Wizard" and it kind of installed it. At first DirectX 9.0c didn't see the card. Today I open up the computer and see that everything is there...
  14. J

    Old monitor, High resolution

    No, I meant completely stopped working as in power switch won't turn the power on, I can't do anything with it..
  15. J

    Old monitor, High resolution

    Is it possible that if I set a high resolution to a monitor that probably couldn't handle it, it would just simply stop working? That's what happend, I can't get the monitor back on, anybody have this problem?
  16. J

    Free Yahoo 360 Invites

    [email protected] Thanks TTP!
  17. J

    built computer shuts down after 30 seconds

    I am 100% positive I didn't put the IDE cable on the raid controller :rolleyes:. I'm not stupid. Anyways, Saturday I will go and put the thermal paste, and then if that doesn't work (I'm sure thats not the only problem) I will install the new PSU.
  18. J

    built computer shuts down after 30 seconds

    Jesus, quit your insulting, I'm sick of it. Anyways, I'm the one that helped build most of it anyways. I'm pretty damn sure that its not the heatsink or thermal paste. The computer barely gets through the POST test because it doesn't find the HD or the optical drive for that matter. Another...
  19. J

    built computer shuts down after 30 seconds

    I checked that computer when we built it, I did not find anything shorting any other part, but I don't think there is power going to the Optical or hard drives because it does not detect them at startup.
  20. J

    Fedora Core 3 Dual Boot Problem

    I have Fedora Core 3 installed on my computer, but the problem is, I think I installed Grub (is that what it's called? The bootloader *Linux Newbie here*) on the wrong partition, I think it's supposed to go on the MBR. Is there any way I can move it, or do something rather then re-installing...
  21. J

    Win 98 to Win 2000 Pro

    About 4 gigs of data, mostly Autocad files, and my dad's work files. I already have another hard drive on it, and tried backing up the files but freezes the computer everytime.
  22. J

    Win 98 to Win 2000 Pro

    Ok, here's the story, I'm upgrading an old Compaq from Windows 98 to Windows 2000, The hard drive is only about 6 Gigs and I have some files on it that I want to keep. Will I be able to upgrade without getting rid of the files already on? Is there any specific way to install it so I wont lose...
  23. J

    Problem with Assignment

    Both Ideas tried, none worked, even looked for recovery on the computer, nothing at all. This is gonna be one hell of a pain to re-write this.
  24. J

    Problem with Assignment

    Well I wrote a 700 word assignment in word, and it was saved on my pen drive, since it was 3 in the morning, I decided to print it when I woke up. When I started my computer, I woke up to this . Can anyone tell me if I could recover it or not? This is really important and is worth 30% of my...
  25. J

    I need some help..

    About the first problem, I had the same thing, just save as target and put it on your desktop or anywhere, and open it from there. Mine works like that now, dunno why though.
  26. J

    Win 98 to Win 2000

    What if I were to transfer my entire C: Drive (4gb) to the D: and format the C: to install it? Would I still keep the data on the D:? What are the dissadvantages of keeping it FAT32?
  27. J

    Win 98 to Win 2000

    Alright so heres the story, I just gave my sister one of my old computers to use for her own stuff (MSN, word, paint, whatever 10 year olds want to do..) This computer is an old P2 four-hundred something MHz, with about 224 (128+64+32) Mb of ram. This thing is a slow peice of garbage, and I was...
  28. J

    Anyone learning Java?

    I agree to the fact that I have to use arrays, but since this is my first semester, we haven't learnt arrays yet. As much as I would like to learn them, I'm stuck with what I have for now. It shouldn't be that hard right?? Anyways, it was today that we were supposed to learn the if and else...
  29. J

    Anyone learning Java?

    Well, here is the finished program as I promised. Had to fix it, cuz man did it give me lots of syntax errors (I am a total idiot :p ) //Quiz Program import javax.swing.; import java.lang.; import; public class Quiz { static BufferedReader keyboard = new...
  30. J

    Anyone learning Java?

    I'm in my first semester learning Java, and have not learned C++ yet, that will be in 2 or 3 semesters. Next year, I will be learning Unix, through Linux. Anyways, Java is pretty cool, haven't been doing much, but me and another friend are ahead of the class. We were starting on this Java...
  31. J

    Java programming help

    I have written a Java program and it gives me 2 errors (So far...) This is the java program I have written: // A program that takes data from a file and uses it to figure out how many tickets were sold and total ticket price. import java.text.*; import*; import java.util.*...
  32. J

    Cannot Right Click

    IE of course, I'll try running spybot S&D right now! I hope this works, thanks in advance.
  33. J

    Cannot Right Click

    Ok this seems kind of weird to me. I do not know who has been using my computer or anything (I wasn't home for a couple of days) and now I cannot right click on web-pages. I dunno how this has happened. I can right click outside of web-pages fine, but as soon as I click on a web-page, or an...
  34. J

    Question about Socket LGA775

    I am very perplexed here.. In Canada (Or at least in the Montreal area) we have this computer company called MDG computers. They are advertizing a computer that I belive to be false. I will post the details on it, and later on I will show you where they went wrong. Vision 3000 Digital Home...
  35. J

    RA2 or Yuri's isnt working on XP pro

    All updates, ran everything properly... nothing works...
  36. J

    RA2 or Yuri's isnt working on XP pro

    I've tried that, 1st post it mentions it.
  37. J

    RA2 or Yuri's isnt working on XP pro

    Heh I guess it would help if I gave you more details. My comp specs are as follows: P4 2.6 Ghz 512 mb ram, Ati Radeon 9600XT, Audigy LS... Everytime I load the game, it shows me the loading picture of the game, then the screen goes black for about a second, then goes back to windows as if...
  38. J

    RA2 or Yuri's isnt working on XP pro

    I've got Windows XP pro on my system and Yuri's revenge or RA2 won't run.. I've tried running it as if it was in Windows 98/Me/95, nothing works... any Ideas?
  39. J

    Small Question

    Thank you, It works very well. If I leave it like that will I notice any changes on my computer though?
  40. J

    Small Question

    Everytime I try and take a Print Screen of a music video and paste it in Paint, it comes out looking either black, or if the video is still running in the backround, it continues to play in Paint. Is there anyway to get a snapshot of a playing video?