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  1. P

    what program?

    yes.. thks for your help. how much time do you use prime95 and memtest86?
  2. P

    what program?

    Hello, What program do you advice to: prime95, hot cpu tester, toast? cumps
  3. P

    Overclocked CD-RW :D

    lol, ok thks :)
  4. P

    Overclocked CD-RW :D

    what's LiteOn? I've a LG CD-R/RW 12x8x32x. can I do oc with my young (:P) cd-r/rw?
  5. P

    18°C CPU temp with air cooling...

    How do I put performance mode (mems) enable? What's it advantages? I've an ASUS P4P800.
  6. P

    some 2.6C OCing

    defenseman, my cpu is the same. My motherboard is an Asus P4P800 and I'm waiting for the Thermalright SLk-947U. I also had my cpu at 3.1ghz with the original HS and 27ºC idle and 39ºC load. I'm impatiently waiting for the HS to see what's my cpu limit :) We'll see :D
  7. P

    18°C CPU temp with air cooling...

    Well, I've a P4 2.6 HT @ 2.80 with the original intel HS and I've nice temps too. My program (MBM5) reads 19ºC (cpu) and 27ºC (MB) idle. I also had my cpu at 3.1ghz with 27ºC idle and 39ºC load! :D Now, I'm waiting for the thermalright slk-947U to continue overclocking. P.S.: Sorry my...
  8. P

    SLK-947U, clip or bolt?

    the thermalright 947u is very heavy!? I have a MB asus P4P800 and i'm thinking on buying it.