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  1. R

    Sapphire Radeon 9600 problems

    All problems have been utterly solved. Disabling AGP fastwrites did the trick. Works flawlessly now. Glee!
  2. R

    Sapphire Radeon 9600 problems

    Word for the wise: never ever let XP install the drivers for you off the CD. I don't know what the hell I was thinking. But I've uninstalled and reinstalled the Catalyst drivers now, this time telling XP's wizard to piss off and using ATi's install program on the CD instead, and the bizzaro...
  3. R

    switching from Nvidia to ATI = problem?

    I hadn't run any special nvidia driver cleaners, just uninstalled with add/remove programs, stuck in the Radeon 9600, and installed the Catalyst drivers. I've been having serious problems, though, don't know the exact cause, but I figure running one of these driver cleaners is worth a shot...
  4. R

    9800 Pro Poor Performance

    Am I the only one wondering why 30 FPS is that bad? Maybe I've been stuck with a Geforce 2 MX for too long, but I don't think you can really notice a significant difference with anything over 30.
  5. R

    switching from Nvidia to ATI = problem?

    I think he installs the drivers, just not the extra control panel software or whatever that's an extra 10+ megs.
  6. R

    switching from Nvidia to ATI = problem?

    Hah, I'm in the same situation, formerly Geforce 2 MX, now a Radeon 9600. It's not going well. But then, I have a crappy nobody motherboard. I know you should uninstall the Nvidia drivers (should be doable from Add/Remove Programs) before putting the ATI card in. I don't know what would...
  7. R

    Sapphire Radeon 9600 problems

    System Info OS: Windows XP Professional, Service Pack 1 Processor:_AMD Thunderbird 1.2GHz Motherboard: Amptron K7-810LMR (SiS 730 rev 2 chipset) I've installed the videocard drivers (Catalyst 3.9), and now my monitor blacks out shortly after showing the login screen background, and before...