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  1. T

    my computer is spammed with porn

    just try a pop up blocker....the google one works
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    comouter administrator help

    have you tried doing it trough administrator?
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    i got a rpoblem installing xp...

    yea i thought it was that also but ive tried it with some other xp cd's from friends and the same error comes up...i was thinkin maybe there was a site that gave you all those code error definitions or something...know of any?
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    Help! How to find out the problem in Blue Screen

    i used to get that problem too, so i had to format my c drive and try to install xp again but in the process it got messed up and my computer hasnt worked scince then
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    i have a problem...

    ive tried installing iwndows xp on my computer many times now but the same message always comes up on the blue bios screen when its sais "could not load setupdd.sys, error code is 4" does any one know what the problem is?
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    i got a rpoblem installing xp...

    i tried installing windows xp on my computer and it has an erroe come up on the blue bios screen that says "could not load setupdd.sys, error code is 4"....does anyone know what is the problem?:mad:
  7. T

    Should I Upgrade From 2600+ XP To 3200 Xp+?

    I want to know if I should upgrade my proscesor from an athlon xp 2600+ to a 3200+? Im currnetlly runing: Athlon xp 2600+ xp radeon 9500 128 md ddr 128 bit 54 x cd-rom 512 ddr pc 2700 420 WATT PSU Windows Xp Professional SP 1 If anything can you please tell me if it is...