Search results

  1. E

    GIGABYTE GA 965P DQ6 Ram Timings

    If all the memory adjustments are in the MB Intelligent Tweaker section of the BIOS, the answer would be no. I just got done with a GA 965P-S3 build, and the only thing you can change is voltage, CPU/memory multiplier, and frequency. The only reason I bring this up is because I think all the GA...
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    HOT: Fry's Pentium D 805 OEM with Mobo, $78!!

    Maybe is the answer to this can I buy it online question. frys dot com, or outpost dot come may have something similar. The shipping will make the deal less appealing though. I bought one of these combos in-store for $78. This deal will come up again if they haven't run out of OEM D 805 bare...
  3. E

    Old school ATI 9800Pro at Frys

  4. E

    Any regrets iAudio X5L owners?

    I just ordered a JetAudio iAudio X5L MP3 (and more) player, and was wondering how many owners of the product are no longer satisfied with the purchase. Do you reget not going with another solution with fewer features, or are the additional features of the X5L robust enough to justify putting up...
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    Old school ATI 9800Pro at Frys

    The point about having a separate TV tuner and another AGP graphics card is a good one. However, be careful on your choice of tuner cards. Some of them are serious dogs and do not provide a clean signal to LCD devices. The 9800 Pro AIW is clean and ghost free. Well, at least the one I have is...
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    Old school ATI 9800Pro at Frys

    Does the 6600 have a TV tuner and all the VIVO capabilities of the All-In-Wonder 9800 Pro? I haven't been shopping lately, so what the heck do I know. As a general rule I buy Nvidia for gaming rather than multimedia. ATI has been at the mutimedia game a lot longer. ATI makes good gaming cards...
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    Old school ATI 9800Pro at Frys

    If you are in Santa Clara Valley California, and haven't looked at the Mercury News today, Frys has the ATI 9800Pro 128DDR AIW w/Remote on sale for $149. Great solution for AGP 8X and multimedia. It'll play a game or two as well, but it's not a hot rod. I'm not sure about the with Remote part...
  8. E

    EB Games pulls fast one

    Thanks for the ideas guys. I may pursure it further, just to make sure they burn at least 100 times as much money letting me know they will not make up the difference. I did make a complaint on the store, but was contacted by what they called a district representative, not a City Consumer...
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    EB Games pulls fast one

    Not sure if this is common knowledge, but I (well the wife actually) made an online store pick-up purchase of F.E.A.R Directors cut DVD for $49.99 (got the receipt and everything), but when I went to pick it up they changed the price to $54.99. In the adult world this is actually considered...
  10. E

    power to everything but mobo doesnt work

    Interesting. I just RMA'd a K8N Neo-FSR for a similar situation. All my components were fine in another system though. I suspect you may not have any CPU problems. I've never had a CPU go bad, but maybe I'm lucky. Check your PS, because I think bad power is also a 4 red LED error. Keep an...
  11. E

    Switch from 9800Pro to Ti4200 with a .....

    Yes, be nice to your Dad. You never know, you may be one some day and understand why. 3 to 5 months is nothing in the grand scheme of things. ti4200s are decent cards. You'll see a frame dropped here or there, but think of the enjoyment your Dad will get out of your 9800Pro. ;-)
  12. E

    NVDIA sends me a prototype card?

    Wild guess, so you'd fit in? I'm happy for you and your story. But I really don't see how BFG sent you a PCI Express card by mistake. Other companies are shipping PCI express cards that that cooler would fit on. Sorry, I just had to bring that up being the moron that I am. By the way, you...
  13. E

    NVDIA sends me a prototype card?

    Hell yeah, I can be more cynical. This is nothing. But alas, he has some kind of reasonable proof. Oh the shame. I feel just terrible. Owned by an adolescent. Believe none of what you read, and half of what you see.
  14. E

    NVDIA sends me a prototype card?

    I did look at all the posts prior to mine and still don't see any indication that this is real. The picts are marketing shots. Saying it's a BFG doesn't mean squat. Saying you don't have a power connector, yada yada It's also very unlikely BFG would send him a unreleased PE card, even as...
  15. E

    NVDIA sends me a prototype card?

    Nvidia doesn't sell cards or RMA cards to the public. If you don't know how to post a pic, you're not a reviewer either. So where did this fantasy card come from again?
  16. E

    bad drivers or bad vid. card?

    One post about this was enough. Reinstall DX9, if dxdiag still says your card only has 8 MB, your card memory is toast. Buy a new card. As stated reformatting is not the cure for everything.
  17. E

    ATI ships first PCI-E/939 Chipset

    Interesting indeed. ATI has the knowledge to do all the multimedia side of this extremely well. It's the rest of the stuff that I'm not so sure about. Their last attempt was not successful as far as I can tell. I would never even consider a current ATI mobo offering. It would be nice to have...
  18. E

    OEM AIW 9800 on the cheap

    Fry's has "one day only" white box OEM AIW 9800 128MB AGP cards for $177 today. May not be the cheapest on earth, but it's very close. These are ATI cards with R360 cores and 256-bit memory bandwidth. For all intents and purposes they are 9800Pros with VIVO and a TV tuner. You only get the card...
  19. E

    Connecting the AIW's power to the same cable as a HD

    Use any power connector that you wish. I prefer connectors with nothing else on them.
  20. E

    A7N8X suddenly dead?

    I doubt you need more power than what you have. I'm getting by on an A64 rig similar to yours using a 350 watt Antec SmartPower with 21A on the +12. 350 watt and up with a good 20A or more on the +12 line will work. If you are running 6 case fans, 2 HDs, 2 optical storage, and a power hungry...
  21. E

    BFG 6800U OC problem or not?

    If you set it to 8x in the BIOS and it still says 4x, be sure you installed the AGP driver for your chipset. Nice rig. And don't worry about other people's scores in benchmarks. Some of those numbers are only available in fantasy land. And if they are real, the guys getting those scores...
  22. E

    Help Help Help!

    OK, now I'm confused. A minute ago you said you knew what you were doing? Bask in your knowledge, oh enlightened one...
  23. E

    All-In-Wonder 9600XT or Radeon 9600XT?

    If you are in the US and anywhere near a Fry's keep your eye on the ads. They had a white box OEM AIW 9800 128MB AGP card for $179 last week. It is an ATI card and has the R360 core. Basically you get your 256-bit wide memory bus 9800Pro with AIW features, TV tuner the works. I bought one and am...
  24. E

    Help Help Help!

    I've read about this kind of thing with DIMM slots, but never actually experienced it. I've probably been lucky though. But in fact, it shouldn't make any difference when only using one DIMM if the board is built to spec. I've purposely put a single DIMM in the wrong place in my MSI boards here...
  25. E

    Help Help Help!

    Before you run off to replace the CPU and RMA everything be sure you plugged in that little 4-pin power connector that is usually near the CPU. Only reason I mention this is I see that your own rig (KT400 chipset) does not require that connector, and you may have missed it on the A64 board. If...
  26. E

    A7N8X suddenly dead?

    Ooogly googly I don't think the fan should stop on the 5900XT. Sure would be nice if you had a spare PS just to check things out. I hate dropping $50 on something I don't need. I can't remember if the graphics card can shut down the system because of a fan, but it can certainly shut it down...
  27. E

    A7N8X suddenly dead?

    There are several things that will prevent a board from booting, but still giving a good POST beep. Can you get into the BIOS? If so, that really limits the possible problems. If you can get into the BIOS, your memory is good, your motherboard is good, and your video card is good. If you...
  28. E

    A7N8X suddenly dead?

    Sounds like the PS, since you get a beep. PS is cheaper to troubleshoot than the MB. Gotta start somewhere.
  29. E

    Motherboard doesnt line up with screws in case?

    You do have the PCI slots pointed up don't you? :rolleyes: I doubt seriously that all the standoffs are off. You might have to remove a couple, or move them to another location, but they can't all be off. Unless you are using an old Compaq or another proprietary case. If so, you'll have to...
  30. E

    3DMark threats [H]ardOCP **FUNDING**

    HardOCP created its own bed, and now it has to lay in it. Like than man said above, click through and buy. That is support enough. Sometimes the truth via opinion is better left unsaid. Sort of like my post right here. But Kyle likes a little more hot sauce with his news. Sometimes it burns...
  31. E

    New motherboard messed up sound...HELP

    I have never been talking about CD-audio. Always DVD-audio, when talking about 5.1. Anyone listening to CD-audio and expecting 5.1 output is really out of touch with hardware. Why would I say CD-audio has 5.1 over the digital interface? This must be where the disconnect is, because nobody could...
  32. E

    New motherboard messed up sound...HELP

    Hmmm, interesting. So all those movies we buy on DVD that have ALREADY been encoded in digital THX, 5.1, 6.1, 7.1 and so on and on, really are not encoded in true digital multi-channel sound unless they go through an NVIDIA SoundStorm Digital port. I do not think so. Like I said at the...
  33. E

    Narrowed to a few choices

    Those 3 boards are all about the same, which is probably why you are still in decision mode. If you don't OC you can skip the DFI board, since that seems to be it's claim to fame. Either of the remaining two are good stable boards. Toss a coin, you can't lose. I have the MSI K8N NEO FSR, not...
  34. E

    New motherboard messed up sound...HELP

    So you're saying that all the high end stereo gear out there is faking it? I have always been under the impression that the information for 6 channels or more is in the digital bit stream as long as the source, for example DVD (digital video disc, not analog video disc), includes it. You...
  35. E

    New motherboard messed up sound...HELP

    The information is also in the digital signal to generate 6 channels of sound, period. Up sample down sample whatever makes you feel good. It's there, it works, I've done it. It isn't THX certified, so..? Saying that it isn't there via the digital out is misleading. You need the right hardware...
  36. E

    New motherboard messed up sound...HELP

    I like your logic. If I was 16 years old I'd think you made some sense, but your wrong. It's all fake 5.1, since none of these guys are paying a license dolby. The on-board codec (that's hardware and software) on the K8V supports 6-channel sound out. The "true real-time 5.1 encoding" argument...
  37. E

    New motherboard messed up sound...HELP

    Viper87227 hmmmm, use the Audigy 2 in your sig and give up on the on-board sound? Your board supports 5.1 though, and it does work regardless of what you've may have heard. If you did a board swap, who knows what the issue is. If that Audigy is still in there, or has left over drivers...
  38. E

    Ran out of brass standoffs, can these be purchased at a local hardware store?

    You could get by with 6 instead of 10, if placed properly, but I digress.... Use stick-on rubber feet the same height as your standoffs in place of the standoffs that are out toward the far edge of the board that is closest to the drive bays. 3 or 4 standoffs across the I/O end, and 3 across...
  39. E

    Ran out of brass standoffs, can these be purchased at a local hardware store?

    Strongly second that.. always with the case, never with the mobo. Only reason I second it, is because I've seen other threads where people think the scews came with the mobo. The height of the standoff is case specfic. I'm not trying to grab anyone's info thunder. I just want this point...
  40. E

    Secret to Add 10fps to DOOM3 Timedemo: works for everyone!

    Ahhh, the kid was just trying to help. But what you said is funny. I laughed because the symbolism is very strange. Well done soldier.