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  1. G

    Critique My Site - Please

    All though I like your color scheme and overall look of your page, and I dont know what kind of design work you do, but make sure your page represents your work and style that you apply to your design work. If you are designing websites, you may want to pick a style that looks fresher, more up...
  2. G

    Half-Life 2 Mod - Team Members Needed

    What kind of sound work you looking for?? What kind of era is the game taking place?
  3. G

    Project Lament: HellRaiser Tribute Mod

    nice mod! Great work on the leather, looks great. Where did you get maniquin torso from?
  4. G

    FS: 2x Intel D915PBL & LGA775 P4 550 3.4 GHz

    anyone wanna spot me 400? ;) Good deal!
  5. G

    HELP! can't Decide on a CASE! (I have pick a couple you can choose from to help me)

    The raidmax cases are cheap plastic premod crap. Thermaltake cases are also ugly and not very good in quality, IMO. I see all these cases daily so I know from first hand, I agree with ICEWIND, the antec is better quality, and the 120's will allow for awsome cooling. I also think the antec...
  6. G


    LOL You gonna cry?? You can also get a signal coverter so that you can play your xbox on your PC monitor.
  7. G

    Modding Xbox Case
  8. G

    Another G5 to PC mod

    If I ever see this kid IRL I'm gonna donkey punch him so hard his momma will feel it. Newtch.
  9. G

    Calling all Soldam Case Owners!!!

    Tried to send you Personal Mail but your box is full.
  10. G

    LIAN-LI PC-73SL substitute ?

    Try google, Lian Li PC-73SL