Search results

  1. S

    airlink 802.11g (atheros) $9.99 no rebate

    This one $19.99 I think it was an instore only deal just at this Fry's (Renton, WA). Also I think the card is being improperly reported by my system as an a/b/g card. b0b
  2. S

    airlink 802.11g (atheros) $9.99 no rebate

    Cardbus (PCMCIA). b0b
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    airlink 802.11g (atheros) $9.99 no rebate

    I dont know if this the Renton WA Fry's only, but they're selling wifi cards for really cheap. works great with gentoo (emerge madwifi-drivers). $9.99 for 54g $19.99 for SuperG (this is an A/B/G card) Not a bad deal for a working (excellently) card. -b0b
  4. S

    Free Schick Quatro razor - 1st 150,000(better hurry)

    WOOOOO! I got mine!
  5. S

    Restoring GRUB?

    i've made this mistake more than once, you can change the boot menu using a linux livecd. Additionally if you know the name of the kernel image, grub has its own shell that you can use to change around boot stuff. chrooting into your file system is different for some distros so i advise you...
  6. S

    Free Schick Quatro razor - 1st 150,000(better hurry)

    I need mine soon, been waiting 5 weeks and my beard is getting awfully thick.. b0b
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    Notepad replacement in linux

    nano or pico are good for use in console. vi is hard to get used to.
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    which linux to install

    Gentoo :-D
  9. S

    Splinter Cell Chaos theory Demo

    Plays awesome on a 9800 Pro. I was expecting choppy framerates but I get a solid 50-60 FPS. No SM 3.0 tho... b0b
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    FS: Intellimouse Explorer 4.0

    ty for the bump. Remember folks, best offer!
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    FS: Intellimouse Explorer 4.0

    nobody needs a mouse?
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    FS: Intellimouse Explorer 4.0

    I have a Microsoft Intellimouse Explorer 4.0 (corded) that I have hardly used. In fact, I've only used it twice. I bought it for my laptop and just wasn't using it. Its hardly used, like new, pics available upon request. $20 OBO + ship b0b email: ntapias {at} u {dot} washington {dot}...
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    Pepsi Itunes Thread

    The angle has not changed. You can easily pick winners once again. b0b
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    Does ANYBODY know how to change an Ip on a Sun Sparcstation?

    to change to root, type: su root hit enter, then enter the root password. b0b
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    notebook stickers :)

    I have a Gentoo Linux sticker on mine. Might get a Gnome one too..
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    XP SP2 "Limited or no Connectivity"

    try: netsh winsock reset catalog and reboot. we get this problem with SP2 users all the time in Tech Support.
  17. S

    Enable Telnet?

    Well, if you SSH from a *nix based system, there should be an SSH client built into the distro. You can do this by opening up a console/terminal window and typing: ssh login@host where login is your username at the remote computer and the host is the ip address or whatnot.
  18. S

    Wich Linux should I start on (Noob)

    Gentoo is not for the faint of heart but extremely customizable and rewarding. The nice thing about Gentoo is that there is a huge community that provides technical expertise. Lots of noobs in the forums and the developers are really good about helping people out. Take a look at...
  19. S

    Which Window Manager For Old Laptop

    If you want something minimalistic go with openbox. If you want something a little bit more robust, you may want to try Gnome.
  20. S

    Who owns a 3.46EE?

    ... anything? For a technology that will soon be dated? b0b
  21. S

    Dell Ultrasharp 1905FP 40% Off & 1704FPV 30% Off

    Where do you get this money?? b0b
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    My friend's wealth sickens me! (FX-55, 2 x 6800 Ultra PCI Express)

    Moral fiber... you get that from Total cereal right? b0b
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    ATI linux performance

    In my experience, the ATI linux drivers work perfectly, often better than their Windows counterparts. However, this applies only for 3D rendering. The 2D side is lacking in features. This is somewhat frustrating since it is the only thing preventing me from switching over completely. b0b
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    who likes pot?

    who doesn't? b0b
  25. S

    iRiver H320 mp3 player for $193.49 at Best Buy after 10% coupon

    You could totally clear out their stock and flip them on eBay for ~$290. Thinking about doing it myself.. good money maker. b0b
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    Free $15.00 Starbucks gc

    <Thread Crap> Maybe I'm just a snob, but in my opinion Starbuck's coffee is terrible. It could be that I live near many many independent coffee houses that offer better coffee at cheaper prices and dont have the pseudo-modern furniture that Starbuck's has. Maybe its because I live in Seattle...
  27. S

    New Logitech Lazer mouse made me go blind in one eye :(((

    Do you also stare at the sun during solar eclipses? Why would you ever stare at a laser or any other type of light source for that long? Are you joking or are you just retarded? b0b
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    WTT: Gen2 Russian Night Vision Goggles

    Shoulda brought back a naked Iraqi POW with a hood over his head.. defininitely would go quick here ;) b0b
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    WTB: iPod 3G/4G remote

    Somebody has to have one lying around.. :( :( :(
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    WTB: iPod 3G/4G remote

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    WTB: iPod 3G/4G remote

    midnight bump
  32. S

    Ran the HL2 benchmark, and got this?

    try it at 1600x1200 and report back
  33. S

    WTB: iPod 3G/4G remote

    Got an iPod for christmas, looking to accessorize. Looking to spend ~$20 shipped for a remote. PM or post thx. b0b I dont believe in heat, but i have ebay under nicktapias ntapias {at} u {dot} washington {dot} edu NO SPAM thx
  34. S

    FS:15GB iPod + Vaja Case + Accessories.

    willing to part out the remote? b0b
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    MP3 Player and Linux?

    The iPod forces you to format it on whatever platform you plan on using it with. Keep in mind that if you want a fat32 device, you must format in windows. If you do it on a Mac it will be HFS. That said, iPods work great with linux after formatted. Should show up as /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2...
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    ipod mini vs zen mico 5gb?

    You dont have a need for 20gb... yet.. Its a matter of perspective. I remember building a PC 10 years ago and getting a 1gb harddrive wtih it. Man I wondered how I would ever fill that up. I was set for life I thought. Forward to today, i have 280gb of storage and a 20gb iPod. Its not enough...
  37. S 20% off

    Yeah, they're shipping sucks. Its fedex tho. At best you're saving shipping with this coupon code, not much but its something. b0b
  38. S 20% off

    Ever wanted one of those zeroshock cases for your laptop but thought it was too expensive? Use the coupon code HOLIDAY2004 and get 20% off your order at (note: ripped from b0b