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  1. D

    Video Card advise needed

    Found a retailer that carrys the Leadtek 6800. Sells for $275 CDN. If an ATI X800 XL (retail box) sells for $299 CDN here, which one is actually a better buy? Both are still more than what I want to dish out though, but would still like to know. :)
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    Video Card advise needed

    Current System: AMD 2500+ Barton Leadtek GF4 Ti-4400 512mb DDR PC3200 Game: AOE3 Monitor: Dell 2005fpw To make a long story short, I recently purchased AOE3 and found out that my system is lacking in running this game, especially at native resolution which is 1680x1050. The game is...
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    Age of Empires 3 Demo released

    Gonna try it when I get off work :) I have a AMD 2800+, Geforce4 4400Ti, 512mb DDR. Anyone have similar specs that tried this game out? Hope I don't need an upgrade to play :( I don't need all the eye-candy turned on either, just want smooth game play.
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    Death to the Game Industry

    Gotta agree with that. But Starcraft wasn't really my first RTS. I played Dune and Warcraft I + II as well. I liked them as well, but the free online play was what held me captive. On another note, one of the factors that has spoiled RTS and probably most other games, is the availability...
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    Death to the Game Industry

    The article has it right on. To date, I still haven't found a better RTS game than Starcraft: Brood Wars. I've tried the Age of Empires series, Age of Mythology, Warcraft 3; none of them drew me in like Starcraft did. To wrap it up, the gaming industry lacks original ideas. AOE3 will be my...