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    x1900 is anyone impressed?

    There is an X1700 coming soon. I'm very impressed with the x1900! :)
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    Real World x1900 series benchmarks

    Thanks bobrownik!! Knowing that it's possible to play FEAR at those settings on this card makes it a win for me.
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    Real World x1900 series benchmarks

    What clocks do you get when you try the Find Max core & mem in ATi Tool?
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    X1900XT in stock!!!!!!!!!!

    I think you just said that you now have multiple X1900 cards. Hurry up and get that review done :D
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    X1900XT in stock!!!!!!!!!!

    o.0 please explain Brent.
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    X1900XT in stock!!!!!!!!!!

    How about you actually read the thread before posting?
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    3Dsmax7 shimmering

    The rendering has nothing to do with your videocard, it's all CPU. The video card is only used to display what you see in the viewports. The issues that you can see in your render most likely have something to do with the compression you used. Try rendering it again as a uncompressed AVi and...
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    Are you gonna wait 'til X800 XT or get a 6800?

    I think the R420 cards will definitely be out before the 6800U's, so there is no need to wait.
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    Nvidia better with Nvidia?

    It's just BS. Wow nvidia says their cards run better, what do you expect them to say?
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    Favorite Video Card of 2003?

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    Smartshader Effects

    Smartshader is only available for OpenGL right now.
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    NV40 on April 13th...

    This seems like solid info from cebit. r420 to be launched at almost exactly the same time too.
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    Do you think nVidia will take the graphics card title back with it's next chips?

    My guess is that we will see more of the same. Nvidia's hardware not being able to keep up, but their driver cheats giving them a good helping hand.
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    Futuremarks Flies the NVBird:

    Well fair enough with it not really being a gamers benchmark. It is more of a straight up video card benchmark. But I remember 2001 being the same thing, back when it first came out and all our systems were slow. Only the geforce 3 could do it all back then. that was the top of line just...
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    Futuremarks Flies the NVBird:

    It's nothing like that at all. Give me a real world example. Nvidia bailed out of the beta program but still cheated their asses off anyways. You're full of it. Your excuses for nvidia make no sense at all. Well that debateable in the first place and was removed from the very next...
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    Futuremarks Flies the NVBird:

    Who says they are giving out the source code? Even if they are, how does it make it any different? Do you think nvidia would not cheat without it. If so, that still makes futuremark the ones in the wrong and not nvidia?
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    No gains upgrading gf2 -> 9800pro???

    ut2k3 would be very CPU limited on your system. Like someone just said, there is nothing wrong with 60fps. You can now turn up AA and AF all the way. I know you couldn't do that on your GF2. Try and upgrade your CPU/MOBO/RAM when you can. You're going to need to do that at some stage anyways.
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    What is your biggest complaint about current video cards?

    driver cheats, IQ getting lower.
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    Recommend a good PCI card for 2nd display

    get an old 3dlabs card. Something like an Oxygen GVX1.
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    My 9800pro - XT wont work in windows!

    I just don't see the point in flashing a 9800PRO to a 9800XT. There isn't really any difference, only clock speeds and I'd like to think everyone here already has their card OC'd too far anyways :D
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    My 9800pro - XT wont work in windows!

    Why would you bother?
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    Nvidia vs ATI in the upcoming months

    What's an RV40??? :confused: :confused: :confused:
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    POLL: Which card would you take for free 420 or nv40?

    It seems likely. They've done it before.
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    Next-Generation GPUs, Coupon Wars

    I thought Doom 3 was going to be capped at 30FPS...
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    I'm out of the loop.. can someone explain to me the "new" nvidia numbering scheme?

    Its not really that different. Just like the GF4 was 4200, 4400, 4600. GF5 is 5200, 5500, 5600, 5700, 5750, 5800, 5900, 5950. Hmm.. okay, there is alot more. Especially if you include the Ultra. non-ultra, XT, SE variants. There is also now geforce pcx.
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    out of loop : What's "firegl"

    Its targeted for professional Graphics applications. Not really any good at all for games.
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    Is UT2004 dx9?

    I think only the radeon 8500/9000/9100/9200 are DX8.1 cards. maybe the parhelia!? :confused: gf3 & gf4 are DX8.0 only. Anyways I think you would be suprised that a lot of gamers have moved on to dx9 cards.
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    So confused!!!

    We don't really know for sure, but the word is ATI is going to announcing their new cards at the end of march. I heard the NV40 is running a tad late so we won't likely see that in April.
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    QDDR3 on FX 5700 ultra?

    hint: Its GDDR3 Question: Are you actually serious?
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    BIG trouble!!! My Radeon 9700 Pro is not booting up!!

    not sure, you will have to check it out. Can you try your vid card in another computer? Can you try different power connectors maybe from a different PSU? Does the connector on the actual card look intact? maybe try fiddling with a little and see if you can get it to work. be careful and...
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    BIG trouble!!! My Radeon 9700 Pro is not booting up!!

    Obviously the power connection is broken somehow. It may just be the cable. The 7000 doesn't extra power thats why you don't get that message.
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    Why isn't the graphics card fan on the other card of the AGP card?

    btw, the fan is currently blowing upwards, as it blows towards the heatsink and VPU.
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    Low 3Dmark score (and some other questions)

    3dmark2001 is a very system/fsb/cpu dependant benchmark. You're running quite a low FSB and your CPU at stock is pretty slow. This is the reason for your relatively low score. You could try overclocking your system via FSB but if your games are running fine then I don't see any reason to bother.
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    Asus 9600xt VIVO

    Okay, VIVO stands for 'video in, video out'. This means that you can plug a video signal into the card and view it, and also plug your computer into a TV or something similar to view whats on your computer on a tv screen. Obviously your card isn't a TV tuner itself, so you would need some...
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    Windows XP 64 ATI Drivers???

    This has already discussed alot. There is only a beta windows 64bit available. Included on that Beta is a beta version of ATI's 64bit drivers.
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    Did I fry my 9800 pro?

    Just clock it back at stock. Close the ATi tool. Run a few games or benchmarks. If everything okay, then its obvious you haven't fried it.
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    new Sapphire 9600xt and only 3000 in 3dmark 03??

    glad to see you got it sorted. Thats how everyone runs their tests. OFcourse they wouldn't run games like that, but they all want the biggest numbers when it comes to 3dmark.
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    9600pro dual display issue.

    Have you tried a different TV? I'm not sure what your problem could be. Works fine here.
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    opinions on ASUS 5950 ultra?

    Clock speed is not everything. The ATI cards are much better designed than the nv cards. Just give one a try, you won't regret it.