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  1. S

    BF2 whitch kit?

    So you need 1000 points to unlock a kit? By points do you mean your global score?
  2. S

    Anyone at Cannon AFB in New Mexico?

    Well, I don't live there anymore, but I was stationed at Holloman AFB back in 95-99. I'm sorry to hear you were one of the unfortunates to get stuck at Cannon. If there's hell on earth, it's that place. Hope you find someone who even OWNS a computer out there:)
  3. S

    Question for WoW beta players

    What's the easiest class to find a group with? A Priest, just like most other MMO??? Most of my friends are 2 timezones away, and when it comes out I want to be able to find a group easily.
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    Tips for Rome: Total War

    Don't underestimate the value of archers!!! Especially in out-of-city battles. I got attacked and was outnumbered almost 2-1, and their general was a 5 star to my 3, and I DESTROYED their army because of my archers. They were coming uphill toward me, and tried to flank my left side with 3...
  5. S

    Should Rome:TW have an Addiction Label on the box?

    Like a lot of other people have said, I just completely lose track of time playing this. It will be 9 pm, then next thing I know, it's 1 am. Ive begun to bring my watch into my office so I can keep track of time; not getting much sleep anymore, damnit!!!! For those of you who haven't played...
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    Forum Etiquette

    haven't seen this posted here anywhere, so here ya go:
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    Valve taking legal action against cheat sites.

    EVERYONE needs to do their part to fight cheating. Every little bit counts. Here's one way: If you meet someone who brags about cheating, knock them the @#$% out! You'll feel better afterwards, trust me.
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    HL2 hackers arrested

    Valve never said that the hackers were the ONLY reason, but I think it's a safe bet that the release date got pushed back a little farther than iy may have been. I hope these guys get a good helping of "Bubba's Delight" while in jail.
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    UT 2004: Enjoy it or Disappointed?

    Thinking about picking this up. Been enjoying the demo, but I wonder if I'll grow bored with the full version too soon. I loved BF 1942 and CoD, but wonder if the faced pace action of UT 2004 will lose it's fun after a while. So, those of you who have had it for a bit, do you still enjoy...
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    Too bad the Admins don't ban peeps who post proof of their cheating.