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  1. F

    Time to ramp it up boys, winter is almost here.

    The 2 zero's against Active Processors is simply because he folds on a subteam instead of for himself now :) Just goes to show that F@H isn't all about personal glory but for a greater good and benefit to humankind. Fold On
  2. F

    "The Score" and a bit of perspective

    Here ya go ;)
  3. F

    "The Score" and a bit of perspective

    Actually no, I registered here in July 2002, as I like to come in and congratulate you guys on the work you do occassionally, also congratulate you on the times that you passed us... I was just surprised with all the comments coming out now you have been passed by OCAU, hence my original post...
  4. F

    "The Score" and a bit of perspective

    Hmm, if I recall, when you passed us, you were all proclaiming to be number 1 team, and based it on points. Now that you have been passed, those exact same rules that you use when you are ahead no longer apply? Terribly hypocritical.. But I suppose, if it helps you all sleep better at night...
  5. F

    Congrats to everyone on retaking #1

    Yeah, well done [H]. Come by our forums and grab back your deserved "The Relic Trophy" ;) EDIT: Actually, we will have it back now :p