Search results

  1. K

    Which 970 Are You Buying?

    Happy Saturday All, I have been running a GTX260 all this time, with a 4770k and 16gb of ram. I mostly play WoW - but want to play some other games on this machine as well. I think that the 970 cards are a pretty sweet price / performance ratio right now. After having not bought any...
  2. K

    Burying Ethernet Cable in a trench with electrical wiring

    Awesome for the replies guys. I really appreciate it. A couple of the runs will be to buildings with power so, although I'm unfamiliar with fiber I could do that I suppose. But a couple of the runs will be to poles where I'll put an outdoor AP (And POE would be MUCH easier). Also, some of the...
  3. K

    Burying Ethernet Cable in a trench with electrical wiring

    Morning, I have a landscaper doing some work on my home property of 4 acres in a couple days and he will have a trencher for various sprinkler lines, etc. He has offered to drop in some electrical and networking conduit for the price of the materials. I would like to run two separate conduits...
  4. K

    Best afforable card for 2560x1440 ?

    I do a mix of gaming and desktop word (internet, etc) and like the OP am looking for a card at that resolution. How quiet are the cards when on the windows desktop? Thanks!
  5. K

    Achieva Shimian QH270| $400 IPS 2560x1440 Korean Monitor

    That was great. Thanks. I really appreciate it.
  6. K

    Achieva Shimian QH270| $400 IPS 2560x1440 Korean Monitor

    Morning, I'm trying to sort out the various mointor options on the green-sum eBay site, but I'm confused. Can someone help direct me to the one for me? Yamakasi Q270 LED SE - Not sure what the "SE" stands for Yamakasi Q270 LED Multi - Audio in / out (I don't really care about audio - I...
  7. K

    The "Drop <Your Carrier> and going Prepaid" Discussion

    So, I would love to go with Straight Talk for my two AT&T lines and have been considering the change for a couple of months. However, at home the coverage of all the major carriers is fringe (IE -1-2 bars outside, less inside). So, I have an AT&T micro-cell that I bought that really helps with...
  8. K

    Dead Silent fan for my Samuel 17 - which one?

    Can you list what fans you've tried so we can find something different?
  9. K

    Question about case

    Danny_Bui - Thanks for the great list. I was browsing through that some of those are insights are pure gold....
  10. K

    Pictures of when your H70 pump decides to blow up!

    Pretty impressive. That clinches it - Corsair stuff is going into my next rig...
  11. K

    SSD Cloning: 1 X 80GB SSD to 2 X 120GB SSD in RAID0

    So, I'll finally be joining the SSD generation when my 256GB C300 gets here in a couple of days. I'm currently running Win7 on a 256GB partition on my conventional HD. Can I just clone that conventional partition to my new SSD like the OP did with his situation or would be it be better to...
  12. K

    Gigabyte ga-ep45-ud3P motherboard

    Quick question: Will this EP45-UD3P motherboard fit a 1283 CPU cooler (with x-bow) and OCZ Reaper Memery (with the large heatsinks)? I'll also be putting in a 260 GPU. Thanks.
  13. K

    Reading nForce 4 Raid 1 Data

    Gurus, I've been running a nForce (A8N SLI Premium) based computer for a while. Ironically, this weekend, while shopping Newegg for a replacement, it died. (As in, it won't boot - Wierdest thing I've ever seen. It won't ever start booting the hard drive or CD-ROM. Sometimes, it freezes when...
  14. K

    WoW 3.02 on a 8800 GTS

    Yeah - I was hoping not to have to upgrade until next summer but maybe I won't make it that long. :) Do you find that the load on the CPU/memory and GPU increased symmetrically or is one suddenly much more important?
  15. K

    WoW 3.02 on a 8800 GTS

    Interesting - So, even with the new patch, you are saying that once we go to Northend performance/FPS will drop even more? Also, are you guys seeing much of a significant CPU load or does it appear to be more GPU dependent? I'm just trying to see if I can selectively target some upgrades or if...
  16. K

    WoW 3.02 on a 8800 GTS

    Guys, I have an older system and I'm trying figure out if I can make it limp along until next year to do a full replacement. I rarely play any other games except WoW - But after patch 3.0.2 I now drop into the single digits at times and am often only in the teens in places like Shat city...
  17. K

    Virtualize WHS & SBS :: Thoughts?

    This brings up a question I've had for quite a while. Can WHS run in a VM in a reasonable way for say a 5 machine home network? If so, that would be great!
  18. K

    How to backup a .Mac web site

    Hi all, My colleague has put up a rather impressive .Mac web site of various PDFs/videos that we use in our educational program. However, he is graduating (and hence leaving the area) and I need to take the content from his .Mac web site and put it up on an internal server for increased speed...
  19. K

    TORMOND hits 6 Meeellion Points!!!! Mua-ha-ha (Dr. Evil Laugh!)

    Speaking of that - It seems that FLECOM's monthly points have been dropping over the last 3-4 months - Is everything ok over there?
  20. K


    I'm here 2-3 times each day...
  21. K

    DD-WRT Command

    Now that is MUCH better... Seriously, if you have specific questions people are almost welcome to offer specific answers. If, on the other hand, you just want to know how it works, have you tried reading the wiki/manual? They are made for a reason...
  22. K

    Bought a HD and can't physically install because..

    Umm, you do have a SATA port on your motherboard, right?
  23. K

    More borgin

    I think that the winner should fold under my name for a month! ;) Let me get my calculator for a guess... -Katabatic
  24. K

    More borgin

    I think that we should start a contest to guess how many points Jon855 will produce in the month of Oct - Closest guess win something.... -Katabatic
  25. K

    HTPC TV Card - I've read and searched - Now my head aches!

    That newer option looks really attractive. Put 2 gigs on it. Would that AMD CPU be reasonably cool so I don't need a loud fan in the background? Now I just need to talk to the wife.
  26. K

    HTPC TV Card - I've read and searched - Now my head aches!

    Thanks for the help. I hadn't used this old computer for a while so I forgot just how antiquated it really is. Perhaps a basic, new MB would save me a lot of hassle down the road. If I went with a more modern MB/Ram/Video card, any suggestions? BTW, thanks a lot for helping with the TV Tuner...
  27. K

    HTPC TV Card - I've read and searched - Now my head aches!

    Hey guys, I'm finally getting around to building a HTPC out of the Athlon Mobile I have sitting here. I've read/searched this (and other) HTPC forums, played with Newegg and I still can't seem to separate out what card I need. Goals: 1. Watch 1 live show while recording another in SD (Still...
  28. K


    +1 - Mojo Story!!! :)
  29. K

    Get you lame selves back. I'm not acepting excuses

    I know - I remember reading your mojo post for the first time back in 2000. But life (wife, school, etc...) leaves rare time to join in the banter - though I typically lurk every day. Nice to see all after the recent months...
  30. K

    Get you lame selves back. I'm not acepting excuses

    Wow, I never thought that I would see relic post again. I was wrong! :)
  31. K

    TD Invites

    I'd love an invite - katabatic at gmail ...
  32. K

    Seagate 500GB 7200.10 $139.99

    Perfect!! Thanks!
  33. K

    Seagate 500GB 7200.10 $139.99

    Does anyone know what the warranty length is on these Seagate OEM drives? I couldn't find it on either Newegg's or Seagate's sites. Thanks!
  34. K

    Countdown to the Record

    I love Countdowns!!!!!!
  35. K

    I'm Sorry, i let you all down :(

    Umm, looks nice - but what kind is it? Sorry, I'm not very current my my heat sinks....
  36. K

    Phase II, 2006 [H]ard|DC Badge Contest

    No offense but #8 just reminds me of all the awful days spent in chemistry labs since I used to use grid/lab books just like that - Ugh!!! Go #2!!!
  37. K

    FAH Flags Discussion

    Ok guys, how about this flag: -advmethods I have a few Intel P4 borgs (~512MB ram) at my parents/siblings homes (in a distant state). I originally set them up with the overclockers on-step installer a while ago. If I have a chance to check on them during the holidays, what flags should I...
  38. K

    Bootable USB flash drive - how to?

    That HP utility was available for D/L just last week when I was building my new Opteron machine. I worked just fine to build a bootable USB key for the MemTest part of the overclocking I did. PM me if you need it....
  39. K

    How much will your X2 or Duel-Opteron O'C with stock voltage?

    Opteron 165 CCB1E @ 2.74 (stock volts & stock air HSF)
  40. K

    Opteron 165 CCB1E - Overclocking questions

    Thanks. As trivial as it sounds, I just got lost on how to get the memory dividers working properly. I guess I'm behind the curve...