Search results

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    What is Java Good For?

    Article on it: Something else: and imdb(a part of amazon) uses it too of course
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    What is Java Good For?

    amazon runs on perl
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    Looking for Constructive Criticism on work in progress!

    Defininatly get rid of that tiled background, maybe add a border to the car picture to. I'd say get rid of the flash menu, but I doubt you'd go for that.
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    Logic question, += operator

    nay. not perl perl doesn't have an echo, and perl doesnt use // for comments
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    Location Databases

    If you do this, share please. Also.. Don't do it to fast, they probably wouldn't like that.. there is alot of zip codes after all.
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    Apache Server vs. IIS

    Not if he had a old computer laying around and used free software + has a capable line.
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    Apache Server vs. IIS

    Yeah, Apache's logs IMO arn't hard to setup/work with at all anyway.
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    Apache Server vs. IIS

    You don't NEED one, I don't find it hard to read Apache log files anyway. I wrote my own utilities to do things though. I've heard mono works great with apache.
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    Apache Server vs. IIS

    Nah, but I'll think about it. BTW, it's not PERL, please don't capitalize it like that.
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    Vbulletin prob

    Try The download should have everything needed.
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    Apache Server vs. IIS

    I use perl for CGI alot, and also for other things offline too. I'm reading about mod_perl now, it's a great thing. I'm actually gonna re-write some of my stuff to use mod_perl too. Perl is faster and more powerful then PHP. I'm pretty sure PHP doesn't fork a new process.. but perl is still...
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    Apache Server vs. IIS

    I suggest perl over PHP, it might be slightly harder, but its more powerful, there is ALOT more code and modules out there for perl too. perl is also platform independent, it'll run it pretty much any system out there. Virtual Hosts.
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    Apache Server vs. IIS

    perl IS NOT php. Please never make this mistake again, :] perl is faster, and more powerful, and better... :] In response to other things.. I have no problem with apache's log files, i manage them fine. I perfer apache's config files too.... Apache can handle large sites fine, its easy...
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    Advanced Menu - CSS? DHTML? Java? c#?

    As the guy above me said, Java & Flash should NOT be used... even if it is a company's intranet site and all viewers have them. ASP.NET and C# don't do client side things, they can't do the menus.
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    Advanced Menu - CSS? DHTML? Java? c#?

    I agree with this... NOTHING should EVER rely on javascript to work.
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    Advanced Menu - CSS? DHTML? Java? c#?

    Your using JavaScript, not Java, they are different. And that other site is using JavaScript also, PHP can't do client-side things like that.
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    Easiest Programming Language to Learn?

    I know alot of people who would disagree with you. Most programmers I know say it's important to learn more then one language. It's also important to understand the basics of programming, which will help you learn more languages. Almost everyone I know suggests c > c++. Learning another...
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    Easiest Programming Language to Learn?

    perl was the first thing i learned no one i know has had a problem learning it it's a great language i suggest it.
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    how to take thousands of visits?

    IMO, Users/yr isn't what we need to know to help, how many users do you expect to use it at once?
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    Perl: use headaches

    Try changing use to require in your eval.
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    Perl Regular Expressions

    If I were doing this, I'd just go ahead and replace that with two regex's... /cat=(\d+)/ /doc=(\d+)/ and then do what you want with them... I'd think this would be faster then a long complicated regex too. And im pretty sure itd work on any situation.
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    what to do with this hosting company...

    if they charge you, chargeback or w/e its called makes their credit look bad.
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    search engines? for google anyway. not sure on other search engines.
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    Perl help

    try print $entry->Name(); or print $entry->Data(); or w/e the subroutines are since $entry is a object.
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    web address question...

    the www. is really just a subdomain, and the difference is none, unless the webserver doesnt accept it with, or without.
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    Perl & multi-dimensional hashes

    another solution would be to change $configuration = { }; foreach $adapter (@adapters) { %temphash = getconfig("$adapter"); $configuration->{"$adapter"} = \%temphash; } to $configuration = { }; foreach $adapter (@adapters) { my %temphash = getconfig("$adapter")...
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    Perl help

    $self is a reference, you need -> $self->{Entries} = \@entries; or isntead of a refrence to @entries $self->{Entries} = []; @{$self->{Entries}} = @entries; for returning... return $self->{Entries}; for a refrence..^ or return @{$self->{Entries}}; access it.. $entry->Name(); i...
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    How is my www site? :-)

    I also could tell it was a frontpage site without even viewing source. And i think its a bad thing. you should really think about ditching frontpage and learning something... its not hard stuff.
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    Question about database creation..

    Using MySQL and perl itd be pretty easy to create a application(GUI or web) to do all this....really easy.
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    which forum to use?

    From my experiences, vbulletin can handle larger loads better, but phpbb is free, and i always like phpbb's template system more. Didn't modify vB much, so i cant comment on that. phpbb3 should be out within a month or two.. i imagine thatll be better then vB, but i truly don't know. youll have...
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    Perl/CGI Hacking

    Yes, use code tags, please! And yes, you *should* use warnings and strict. you have some useless things in there that i seen. and i dont remember seeing the CGI module used anywhere, even though you have it being used. maybe i missed something. but you definatly need to put that into code...
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    & programming...

    Have you ever programmed in any other languages?
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    & programming...

    Well, what i meant was i'd use it for anything i'd actually do.. i dont do hardware programming. i do cgi, parsing, i wrote a webserver in it before. whatever.
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    & programming...

    Sorry for bringing up an old topic.. but eh i had to respond. I have tried python, i'd rather kill myself slowly then use it. I'd choose perl pretty much over anything. and.. ill use it for anything writing a forum in it now when that gets to a decent working version, i might be working on...
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    & programming...

    That's azactly why I don't browse here much anymore, not enough questions I can help with. I never see perl questions anymore. CSS isn't programming either. and php.. i just hate php.. (and yes i have used it.)
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    Php Error, help!

    Instead of posting just that character for us, try posting the lines around it, could be more helpful.
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    The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!
  38. S

    Message Board Ideas?

    i also suggest phpbb, shoulda said that in my last post.. im actually about to dive into coding my own forum... i actually started earlier today. been planning on it, lets hope i have time to finish it