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  1. M

    Microsoft Criticizes FCC Broadband Report

    You might as well ask the FCC to start using smaller novelty mugs than use accurate data to determine broadband capability. It’s got a better chance at being considered.
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    Sony Censors the Butt Out of Devil May Cry 5 for Western Audiences

    Sounds to me like someone high up at Sony hasn’t gotten laid in years and is now taking it out on the public.
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    Whole Foods Cuts Workers' Hours after Amazon Introduces Minimum Wage

    Well of course they’re cutting hours. The CEO of Whole Foods took one look at the increase in the cost of insurance for his Ferraris. Do you think money comes from thin air?
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    MLB Tests Trackman Computer System to Inform Umpires of Balls and Strikes

    Look on the bright side: at least Joe West, CB Bucknor and Angel Hernandez will have statistical data that shows they’re the worst umpires in baseball.
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    "Ghostbusters" Director Faces Backlash after Promising to "Hand Movie Back to Fans"

    His comments did come out wrong. What he meant to say was “this won’t be the Showgirls” of Ghostbuster movies” And seriously, when will McCarthy fanboys get it through their heads that people don’t hate the reboot over an all female leads, they hate it because it’s a horrible freaking movie...
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    EVO Japan Cuts Sexual Dead or Alive 6 Stream Short, Issues Apology

    The guy probably hasn’t gotten laid in a few months and is taking it out on everyone.
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    Pennsylvania Legislators Re-introduce Bill to Tax Mature-Rated Video Games

    Studies show that the existence of politicians in the Pennsylvania market lead to more school shootings and higher levels of aggression amongst young adults. Can we tax politicians at an extra 10% too?
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    Drone Disrupts Newark Airport

    Unfortunately it’s going to take a plane crash and hundreds of casualties for any airport to start taking this issue seriously.
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    The Original Ghostbusters Cast Will Return for New Movie

    The reboot was just your typical Melissa McCarthy movie in the trappings of a hallowed franchise. Dumb humor, over the top physical comedy, and bad writing. If Jones wants to be mad at someone, be mad at the Director for recycling his old movies.
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    Ubisoft Apologizes for "Controversial" Relationship in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey DLC

    I’m a liberal millennial, and even I think this outrage against the dlc is ridiculous. If you don’t like it, don’t play it.
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    Soulja Boy Is Back with a New Handheld, a Sony Vita Rip-Off

    Betcha he still sells enough to break even on his investment.
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    Swarm Asks the FCC for Permission to Launch 150 Tiny Satellites

    An African swallow, yes. But not a European swallow!