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  1. C

    Facebook to Let Users Rank Credibility of News

    Lefttards do exactly the same thing so really you just proved his.
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    Twitter Says Trump, Other World Leaders Can Tweet What They Want

    I enjoy their delusions. In 2020 I expect the suicide rate to sky rocket amoungst academics and psuedo journalist.
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    First Portable Bionic Hand With Sense of Touch Revealed

    Does it have a pulse vibrating setting? Asking for a friend.
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    Every game at EA at least 40% off

    You are going to regret that. $5 would have been better spent on some beer.
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    Trump Wants Postal Service to Charge “Much More” for Amazon Shipments

    We should never have been involved in either war in the first place.
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    "Star Wars" Franchise Crosses $4 Billion, Eclipsing Disney's Lucasfilm Price

    The movies are crap. Disney has destroyed Star Wars.
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    Charter Promises Internet Service to Family, Then Says It’ll Cost $16,000

    I have the exact same issue! Bought my house while in California and called about internet. Both the realtor and AT&T Assured me DSL was available. Sure is if you get one of their extremely limited ports! Good luck on that people are literally waiting for their neighbors to die or move out here.
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    Steam Holiday Sale 2017

    Grabbed the Dishonored 2 pack for $30. Seemed a good deal
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    AT&T, Comcast Say GOP Tax Bill Will Mean $1,000 Bonuses for Employees

    How dare I want to keep more of my money!
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    High-Speed Broadband to Be Legal Right for UK Homes and Businesses

    Oh look it is the obligatory agree with me or you are wrong liberal.
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    Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (2017)

    I find the game to be utter garbage but my kids are entertained by it. That is a win in my book. I think the target audience was probably 8-20 and not the 25-38.
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    Daredevil Falls to Death after Filming Self atop 62-Story Skyscraper in China

    Pretty much this. Several people saying he was in amazing shape but his fall says otherwise. I can pull off 30 dead hang pull ups. Know were I do them? From a bar not the side of a building.
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    Ajit Pai Openly Mocks Net Neutrality Protesters with Dumb New Video

    Looks like the description of an alpha male. Sure seem to have fired up the tears in here. Maybe use some to put out the fires in California
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    Ajit Pai Openly Mocks Net Neutrality Protesters with Dumb New Video

    You mean like the NRA? Truly shocking what can be protected when enough people care.
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    This Startup Uses Body Heat to Mine Crypto, for When Robots Take Our Jobs

    Still wanting a date for the robots taking our jobs. Been waiting since around 1987 for this to happen
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    Former FCC Chairman Calls Ajit Pai’s Plan to Gut Net Neutrality an “Abomination”

    If only we had this much resistance when we turned the internet over to an international body
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    Ajit Pai and the FCC Want It to Be Legal for Comcast to Block BitTorrent

    Because big Govt is batting a 1k with the American public right now.
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    Ajit Pai and the FCC Want It to Be Legal for Comcast to Block BitTorrent

    So I could pay to get faster connections to content I actually want or continue to have the poor clog up an already over utilized resource? I think I will choose option one please.
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    Bitcoin Price Tops $9,000 in Historic First

    I had to explain cryptocurrency to my Battalion Commander along with a few other officers because no one understood it. We had a Marine who was utilizing it to launder his heroin money into legal tender by investing in server farms and making withdrawals onto Bitcoin keys. The kid had an entire...
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    Bungie Changes Destiny 2 XP System after Players Discover It Was Rigged

    I am assuming this is a new thing for console gamers? Diminishing returns has always been a thing especially in online gaming.
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    San Francisco, Seattle Tire of Comcast, Mull Building Citywide Fiber Networks

    It is a new revenue stream for them. This will not be done out of the kindness of their hearts. If the people are willing to pay the tax increase I say more power to them.
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    Xbox Boss: Single-Player Games Aren’t Dead, but the Economics Are “Complicated”

    So it is a matter of not being able to charge micro transactions and day one DLC?
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    EVE Player Makes Porn to Fund Spaceship Business

    Why pornhub figured chatterbait would be the more lucrative route.
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    Electric Cars Emit 50% Less Greenhouse Gas than Diesel, Study Finds

    I am not against electric vehicles but I want some kind of assurance that it will last a decade or longer. I may be in the minority but I hold onto my vehicles for some time and drive them into the ground. My wrangler has 117k miles on it and my last commuter had 170k. I am not interested in a...
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    Senate Kills Rule on Class-Action Suits against Financial Companies

    I liked a bit of Bernies message but when he started selling out to the anti 2nd amendment folks he lost me. His record in the past 20 years had him supporting and upholding the 2nd amendment. He slid more and more left to compete with Clinton when he could have stayed on message. I guess the...
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    NY State Bans Vaping Indoors

    You always have a choice. This is just more justification for more Govt control over individuals.
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    Facebook Translates “Good Morning” into “Attack Them,” Leading to Arrest

    This is Israel and the arresting officer was also Arabic. They can only be wrong once and that is all it takes.
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    Tesla Makes Quick Work of Puerto Rico Hospital Solar Power Relief Project

    Good for him maybe their politicians can pay him a bit of the money we waste on the island.
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    NY State Bans Vaping Indoors

    Pretty much this but liberals do not like personal choice they will tell you the choice you will make in your best interest.