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  1. C

    SENTRY: Console-sized gaming PC case project

    This solved my problem! Thank you so much!
  2. C

    SENTRY: Console-sized gaming PC case project

    You see how the holes on the port end of your riser's PCB are on the motherboard side of the case? Right. Mine won't go that far. If I push the riser as far as it will go, it's not in a position where I COULD put screws in front of it--only through it. By drilling. Is the port supposed to hit...
  3. C

    SENTRY: Console-sized gaming PC case project

    Got Sentry yesterday--shipped out May 8, arrived July 10. I've bumbled my way through most of this build, but I am stuck on the riser. Pretty sure it's not supposed to stick out that much, but that's the farthest I can pull it back without putting riser PCB between the screwholes. What am I...
  4. C

    SENTRY: Console-sized gaming PC case project

    And do we suppose it would run cooler?
  5. C

    SENTRY: Console-sized gaming PC case project

    Hi all! I backed the Sentry during the campaign, but I can't decide whether to buy a 7500 or a 1500X, and hoped y'all could help me out. I'm upgrading from a 3470, and that's already adequate for me performance-wise, so I don't think I care about performance differences. What I can't figure...