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  1. D

    Hawaii Looks to Ban Loot Box Games

    Honestly how is this really any different than gambling your money awayaat Chuck E cheese or that damn machine that eats my money. But honestly loot boxes have to go they just ruin the game. That's why I don't buy games like battlefront 2. I still like original.
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    Is Technology About to Decimate White-Collar Work?

    Glad I'm in the printing industry. It costs too much to ship a 2000lb roll overseas to outsource. And I don't see AI coming into play anytime soon ss far as losing jobswise. The human eye is still better at catching color errors and troubleshooting than AI currently can. Plus just the cost to...
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    Ubisoft’s Uplay Ending Vista Support

    I thought it was OK... sorta it was the only way I could see all my memory with Vista x64. Xp 64 sucked for drivers just as much. I ended up selling my razer sound card because it wasnt properly supported by both. Plus Vista was stuck a memory hog. Things just work so much better nowadays.
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    AMD Ryzen 5 Reviewer's Kit Giveaway

    Ryzen is the new king. Woot woot.