Search results

  1. J

    Retail Sapphire 1900XTX $332 - $30MIR = $302

    IMO Hot cuz of price and low rebate amount. Rebate good for purchases from Newegg thru September 18th. While there have been some deals with HUGE rebates $100 or $150. With the release of the 1950, the 1900XTX hit a price point I can agree with and it isn't a rebate amount that makes me...
  2. J

    Sold! - Neon blue acryllic case w/extras - just pay shipping.

    Since I'm being a little generous to the fellow [H] I would hope everyone can abide by the honor system. All I ask is that first availability would go to someone who has a kid. Why you ask? Because a kid would have far more enjoyment with such a colorful case. That being said I would like to...
  3. J

    vbscript nt4 user account: logon to workstation?

    I have written a script that creates users and assigns several user attributes. I am, however, lacking one attibute that I can't figure out. I want to restrict the user account to only logon to the workstation that I specify. Do any [H]'ers know the code for it? It's for an old NT4 domain...