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  1. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Has anyone tried using their monitor with the nintendo switch? When I first got the system I remember playing Zelda on the Sony FW900 at 1080p. It's been a few months since I tried playing the switch using this monitor but I tried it again and it locks to 480p. My first thoughts was maybe the...
  2. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Hey, who here was able to get WinDas running on Windows 10? What did you to to get it to work? I am looking to build my new PC soon and wanted to get a calibration done while I was at it. Too bad Anologix canned their DAC. Does this leave us with the HDFury4 as the best DAC to get now?
  3. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Agreed we need to know so we can name drop on people.
  4. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Picked up a HP p1230 Diamondtron 22' inch monitor the other day and it looks really nice and very comparable to the Sony. Would I be able to calibrate that using the WinDas guide?
  5. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Yeah I'm holding up on building my new PC till these adapters arrive. I really like this monitor and would rather not get another one till there is something better. Also how often do you guys suggest we do a WinDas calibration. It's been about a year for me but the monitor still looks good.
  6. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Yuck what a terrible price. Not only in phenomenal condition but pretty much better be almost no use and recently calibrated. Even then the price would be too high. Anyways anybody got any info on the Sony GDM-500PS? There was one that popped up recently that I was thinking of picking up...
  7. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I really do hope they make a new HDfury or something cuz I want to build a new pc so I can get back into modern gaming using this monitor. And yes to answer the above question this thing handles low res like a champ. Dreamcast games and Wii/Wii U games look amazing running at 480p using this...
  8. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    That's a really nice job with the calibration, bramabul5353. I thought I did ok but it's not even close to what you have it at. I had this feeling when I was doing calibration that my G2 values could have easily been lower. I still got about another 6 months to go before I redo the calibration...
  9. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    The thing about these old monitors is that they can be a pain in the ass to find. If you already have this monitor then the Diamondtron isn't going to be a huge upgrade over this. Same with most of the other popular monitors like the Sony BVM, PVM, and NEC XM29 just to name a few. Trust me when...
  10. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I was just seeing how nice this thing can play old school games. I do have other capable crt monitors that are 4:3 but this one is my nicest one. It's even nicer than the Sony BVM "D20F1U. From what I heard Sony used the chasis from the bvm for this monitor?
  11. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Agreed, the xrgb 3 is more ideal for pc crt monitors simply because it has vga inputs. I bought the mini first, intending to use it with my plasma tv. And it worked excellent with that display. Picture looked nice and lag was very minimal. And yes the prices of these devices are really...
  12. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I used the XRGB Mini along with a HDMI to VGA adapter. These are high end and cost a bunch but they are worth it if you have a flat screen and cant get a good crt to play old school games in rgb. Of course you can still use them with crt monitors that can't display at low resolutions like most...
  13. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I know were all PC gamers here but I have been using this monitor for some retro console gaming with some pretty nice results. Now normally the monitor cant output anything less than 480p signals but I have been using an upscaler to play my 240p consoles on this monitor. I'm not sure how to...
  14. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Hey got another question here.Would it be possible to preserve the WINDAS/Argyll settings of the monitor if I had a pc that dual booted to windows 7 and 10? I plan on leaving windows 7 behind but sadly the drivers don't work on Windows 10. Maybe something like a virtual machine could work...
  15. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Hell yes. Hey I got another question, would I be able to do this procedures on other monitors? You see I have a Sony BVM and an NEC XP37 that I wish to try and bring out their best quality and to try to preserve for as long as I can.
  16. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    I thought that the gpu was modern enough to have a 10 bit DAC, but I guess I was wrong. Either way it does leave me at a stopping point. I am satisfied with what I have at this point. But I really can't wait to get me a new PC to try out all the newest games using this little baby. My first wow...
  17. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    dispwin -R just shows me to a directory and dispcal -R actually goes though the a test. Thanks for all your help man. I truly appreciated. Also gotta say I been watching the walking dead on the monitor and it looks nice. Though I think I will stick to my plasma for that. The plasma has a nice...
  18. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Correct, my laptop has the colorimeter plugged in but I did dispcal -R and not dispwin -c
  19. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    That is odd, my laptop only supports 8 bits.
  20. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Ahh gotcha! And my laptop is 3 years old but it runs an nvidia gtx 660m gpu and the laptop has a HDMI port in addition to a VGA port that I can connect to the monitor. The laptop itself isnt a permanent solution either, I do plan on getting a proper desktop in the future, But for now, it's...
  21. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Sounds like I will need to do this all over again. Which I am fine with it since I felt like I got the hang of the procedure. This time I can do it right. I do have a couple more questions. Mainly concerning what you said about quantization artifacts. Would I be putting my monitor in danger...
  22. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Can you explain further? I was not intending to use that Dell for anything and was hoping to use the monitor along with my laptop for whenever I play any games. I was also hoping to use the monitor along with many of my home consoles. Will it be ok for me to use with all my other systems?
  23. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    I forgot to mention that my laptop does have nVidia graphics. I guess I could swap roles for the pc and laptop. That should let me do the Argyll steps.Both systems already have all the software installed. Though my laptop doesn't have a DVI-I out, would I be able to use an adapter for it? I...
  24. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Made progress today. It turns out i'm dumb and did not install the executable files. I was messing around with the installation drivers and not the executable files. After I downloaded the right files everything worked good :) Doing a dispwin -c works. Everything changed. Going the...
  25. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Alright so it turns out I did not install Argyll correctly. I did unzip it onto the desktop. But that's where I stopped. I did try to modify the Path variable but with no luck. And even in command prompt when im in the directory of the executable files, I still get a "not a recognized command"...
  26. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    I was thinking the same thing about my colorimeter. I did move it around but I got it to as close as I could to the centering pattern. I did notice that the colorimeter seemed a bit higher on screen than what the HCFR signal generator was projecting. I think I might need to move up the...
  27. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    HCFR always asks to update when you launch it. But I've had no problems with it crashing at that spot for me. I am also suspecting that my calibration is most likely off. But I was really close to all my targets. If I remember correctly, most values if not all values were in the 2% range...
  28. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Alright, I actually got some time to work on this today. I was able to completer the step right after the WinDAS step. Don't know why I had trouble with it yesterday but today I got the patterns. Anyways, I'm not sure if my methods were best since I did move the colorimeter and did start from...
  29. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Yeah I tried doing that but I still don't have that option. What exactly does selecting "view images" does exactly? from what I can tell from the picture on that step it just adds a new tool box on screen. Previous steps don't show this tool box. If that's the case then it's not a problem since...
  30. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Hey I got through all the WinDAS stuff after way too much fighting. But I got to the last step and saved everything to the EPROM. I did notice that my brightness/contrast was at 34/00 after i set it to 6500k on the OSD menu. Now i'm stuck in the step right after the WinDAS steps. When it ask...
  31. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    I'm referring to the text on the top left corner of the screen. Its just IrfanView reading the back drop load out file. And the mouse pointer is most definite visible when i move he luminescence slider. I think that's where i messed up. I was looking at the text levels and not the screen when...
  32. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    The only thing i notice is that the green text on the screen and the mouse pointer start to show up when i turn up the luminescence to a really high level.
  33. P

    WinDAS White Point Balance guide for Sony Trinitron CRTs

    Got it going good so far but I am stuck on Step 46 on WinDAS. No matter how much I move the 3 sliders, nothing seems to change in the graph.on hcfr.
  34. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    I live in the burbs of portland oregon.
  35. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Thanks, I I don't think the cable should be hard to find. I just did a quick search and it seems like there aren't any selling locally but I will go check goodwill and the used pc store tomorrow. Hopefully I can find one locally or else I will have to wait longer for the cable to get here.
  36. P

    24" Widescreen CRT (FW900) From Ebay arrived,Comments.

    Hi, This past week I got my hands on two of these bad boys. I remember hearing about them from somewhere, and when I saw them listed locally on craigslist, I couldn't let them pass by. At first I was surprised by their size, the pictures didn't show the complete monitor, it was bigger than what...