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  1. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    COMPLETED!! Finally get to write this post and call the project completed! It's been about a year since I started this project, starting from simple CAD models all the way to this finished product. I am VERY happy with the end result. I want to thank all the sponsors who provided me with...
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    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Soon™!!!! This project will be finished VERY soon, like within the next week or so. Real life has gotten in the way of me finishing this a quick update while I have time. I am currently replacing the soft tubing with hard line and I had to replace the pump because it died....for...
  3. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Hi all, A couple of updates on the status of the Node, nothing to crazy. So I traveled to Portland, OR for PDXLAN 26. Had a blast there, I entered the Node in the CPUMag Case mod competition, I took 5th place and was up against some very tough competition. After that I was off to...
  4. C

    DarthBeavis Project: Look At The Flowers

    Cant wait to see this at PDXLAN this weekend!
  5. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Awesome! Can't wait to meet everyone, first time going to PDX so I'm really looking forward to it!
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    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Update 7/15/2015 Another update! Getting closer and closer to finishing this project, this will be the last "progress" update to the project until it is finished. I will be posting some images of the project at some of the events I'm taking it to, so keep an eye out for those. So lets get...
  7. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    See it in person! Hi all, I will be attending 2 shows coming up in a weeks time. I will be at both PDXLAN 26 and Quakecon 2015 this year and I will be bringing the Node along with me, so if you are interested in seeing it in person, feel free to stop by! 7/17 - 7/20 7/23 - 7/26 Hope...
  8. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Update 7/10/2015 Back with a few more updates, and I'm happy to report it's finally coming together. I have had this thing together and apart so many times I'm getting pretty good at it. There were a few more parts that ended up needing to get painted, one of which was the motherboard...
  9. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Update! (7/3/2015) Now that the major stuff is out of the way, I can start focusing on the minor things and detail work that needed to be taken care of. Enjoy! Taking the heat sinks off for painting. Pump Mounted Running a quick leak test...
  10. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    UPDATE 6/27/2015 And so the work continues!!! This week it was about putting the final touches the assembly of the case and working on getting the hardware fitted, making sure there are no last minute tweaks to any of the parts (Spoiler Alert: There are, but they are minor) So first...
  11. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    BIG UPDATE!! All I'm going to say is that this was money well spent. I have had a grin stuck on my face for the past few hours while working on this. So happy to be able to begin moving forward wit this project again! Enjoy!!
  12. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    UPDATE!! FINALLY!!! FINALLY!! After about 2 weeks of talking back and forth with the printer, I FINALLY have a quote! $500! They are FINALLY printing the pieces and I should have them in about a weeks time, so I can get back to work! More info soon!
  13. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Nope, this project isn't dead, just needed a few weeks to work out the logistics of everything. My last post was about how I was going to redesign the Node to use less parts, be smaller, etc. Well after spending 2 weeks looking for a 3D printer and trying to redesign the case, it became clear...
  14. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Hi everyone, Back with a quick update on the status of this project. I got a call back from one of the printers I have been shopping this case around to, to try and get it printed. The cheapest they could do it for was around $700. While this is a major improvement in price than the 2-5K...
  15. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Hey everyone! So I know its been awhile since I had an update to this project. I have run into a few more issues since the last update so lets dive in! My biggest problem at the moment is currently trying to find a place to get the case printed at a reasonable price. The quotes I'm...
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    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

  17. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    I know u 2
  18. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Yea, gonna work on that. EDIT: Fixed!
  19. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Sorry there have been so few updates with this project, I have run into some major issues along the road. But here is they latests on the project. Currently the parts are being printed, as of writing this, there is one part left to print. I will be picking them up tomorrow, but so far...
  20. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    So I have good news and bad news...The bad news is that my model is too big for the printers I planned on using. The good news is I know how to fix it...but I need to start from scratch. So I'll be streaming is here if you feel like stopping by:
  21. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Update! Now with Sponsors! I want to thank Full Spectrum Laser for offering their 3D printing and Laser cutting services to me, without them this entire project would have come to a complete stop. Thanks again guys! Be sure to check out their site: About Full...
  22. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    UPDATE 2B - Parts, Build and Posting Hi Everyone, So I know its been awhile since this last had an update, this was mainly due to putting the final touches on the model for printing, getting the logistics in place to get all of the final well as...
  23. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    For those wonder/looking for an update on the status of this project, here is a quick overview of whats going on. In the process of getting all the required pieces for the case setup to print and for the paneling to get laser cut. Purchasing the last few pieces of hardware to put a...
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    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Thanks man!
  25. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    2a.First Set of Parts Arrive Hi everyone. Got a small update to post tonight. I was able to get my hands on a number of the parts I plan on using in this build, however, I still do not have ALL the parts, I'm still missing the SSDs and any water cooling parts as well. I should have...
  26. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    So a quick update for everyone, I have finished making the tweaks to the printed parts and they are off to the printer now, the metal work should start Monday as well. In the mean time I have started work on the parts that I will be putting into the case itself. I plan on using an Asus...
  27. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case

    Originally I had a pin system to mate them together, but a buddy of mine who does a lot more 3D stuff than I do advised me to use a metal dowel to connect them together. The fan/radiator mounts along with all the paneling will hold the entire thing together.
  28. C

    [Scratch Build] Node - 3D Printed PC Case ^^^ WATCH THE INTRO VIDEO ^^^ Table Of Contents: 1. Introduction/Concept Images 2a. First Set of Parts Arrive 2b. Parts, Test Build, and Posting Sponsors Introduction and Concept Hi Everyone, Im back...
  29. C

    Project: Node (Scratch Build)

    Hi all! Sorry for the delay on this, finally got the parts back from the printers and everything looks damn near perfect! There are a few things that need to be done, remove support material, sanding, and painting so they all look uniform. Until next time, enjoy the photos...
  30. C

    Project: Node (Scratch Build)

    Hi guys, for those of you waiting on the update, here's what happened, the printer messed up the part pretty they offered to re-print it, but they had to put it on the back burner due to more pressing projects they have to get done. (Im getting this done for free since I know some of...
  31. C

    Project: Node (Scratch Build)

    Hi all, just a quick update. Got a call from the 3D printer today telling me the parts were finished. I will be picking them up on my way home from work and will update again when I get some photos of them.
  32. C

    Project: Node (Scratch Build)

    Thanks! And thanks for clarifying for everyone, I was just about to make a post about that, but you beat me to the punch.
  33. C

    Project: Node (Scratch Build)

    Hi all, I know its been awhile since I have been active on here, but to make up for it, I'm going to share my latest project. I have been working on this for the past few weeks and have finally gotten to the build phase of the project, which I will be sharing with you shortly. But for now...
  34. C

    [Scratch Build] - Mirror's Edge

    One of the biggest issues, at least for me, was the pure size of the thing! It would have been way bigger than anything on the market and would have cost a pretty penny to try and get it built, both in manufacture costs and hardware costs! I wanted to go with something a bit smaller and...
  35. C

    [Scratch Build] - Mirror's Edge though this project was dead? Nope, going to start from scratch on this one, I'm already getting started so feel free to drop by, doing a lot of concepting to get this project back on track!
  36. C

    [Scratch Build] - Mirror's Edge

    At the moment, things have been put on hold, but I think this week I will start work on it again. Im working 2 jobs to save up some money for the build and part costs. It's not going to be a cheap build. When I get home from work, my mind is usually fried and I just want to zone out for an...
  37. C

    [Scratch Build] - Mirror's Edge

    Yea, I would agree, it's WAY too big! Im going to make it small, the 2nd set of sketches are just playing around with ideas, not sure of the exact direct yet, but I might just lean back toward the first design, that is if I can get it to work properly. lol
  38. C

    [Scratch Build] - Mirror's Edge

    Quick update! I know there has been very little activity on my end with this project, things have gotten very crazy in my day to day life so I have no had a whole lot of time to devote to this, after I finished the CAD model in the last updated post, I realized just how massive it was going...
  39. C

    [Scratch Build] - Mirror's Edge

    Update time! So its been about a week since I started working on this project and already I'm having ups and downs with the project, but it comes with the territory and with each challenge and set back, it make me put more time and effort into creating a better final design than I originally...
  40. C

    [Scratch Build] - Mirror's Edge

    By: Complx Hello everyone! Time for my 2nd scratch built case! This time the focus will be around one of my favorite games of all time, Mirrors Edge. And with Mirrors Edge 2 being announced at E3 this year, I thought, what a better way to celebrate than to build a case around the art...