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  1. X

    Cooler Marter Elite 110

    I don't want to be a downer but, I've had this case for a while and I honestly used it for a few hours. Let me just tell you some issues I ran into. You can't mount a 3.5HDD with some dual slot gpus. The cooler blocks the mounting points. You can still mount on the top though. The biggest...
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    CM 130 or Node 304

    I have the node, elite 120 not 130 and sg05. The sg05, yeah its small but its really a pain to manage because its so tiny + needs SFX psu, I've put a atx psu but then had a little room for the rest. It was a cluster of wires and stuff. node 304, you cant fit modular psu in it. It gets in the...
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    [YourNewCase] SUGO ... 5! GO!

    The power button it that other cable next to the dac coming out. I am going to wire it to the rear of the case.
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    [YourNewCase] SUGO ... 5! GO!

    It's an DAC. It's very tight but my cpu temps are around 33c idle and gpu 35c idle. Can't complain :D
  5. X

    [YourNewCase] SUGO ... 5! GO!

    So I decided to put the rad n noctua inside the case after reading janas19 comment :p All I need is to make a custom front panel now somehow...
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    [YourNewCase] SUGO ... 5! GO!

    I wanted to share my SG05 too XD I put my DAC inside, and I keep my case open air. no cover XD