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  1. B

    Color Batch File to ping several servers/network

    I can show a message box as screenshot below: credit: this can apply to your job and team:D
  2. B

    unable to find Net meeting in windows 7

    NetMeeting is no longer included with Microsoft Windows 7.. so how can I share the screen with other by using Microsoft tools… Any suggestion, please advise:)
  3. B

    why ESXi host show status disconnected

    I found VCENTER - vSphere Client show ESX host as disconnected in vCenter but still able to remote, ping but unable to manage from cCenter both server and vSphere client... no red light on the physical server, can anyone share for how to check the next step??
  4. B

    Multibit ECC error were detected on the controller

    got the server down during the past week, after tried to boot got the error msg during POST processs Multibit ECC errors were detected on the RAID controller. The DIMM on the controller needs replacement. Please contact technical support to resolve this issue. power on it today and now...