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  1. S

    SuperMicro X9SAE/-V - Xeon IvyBridge C216 ATX

    I just wanted to post a quick update and say--without going into too much detail--that Supermicro has the best support of any computer hardware manufacturer that I've dealt with, and that it turned out that all I needed to fix my issue was a simple update from BIOS revision 2.00 to 2.00a. (I...
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    SuperMicro X9SAE/-V - Xeon IvyBridge C216 ATX

    I am having similar issues. I have a Xeon E3-1245v2 and an AMD Radeon HD 7850. If I change the VGA priority (in the PCIe BIOS menu) to onboard, the system simply won't boot, whether my discrete GPU is unplugged or not. (Five medium beeps after the initial quick/normal POST beeps.) If I change it...
  3. S

    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    Update: I bought a new 850W PSU to give myself more headroom (I had a bunch of hard drives I hadn't put in the build yet). The system is still unstable with the new PSU. Here's a recap of my findings thus far: 3770k + no GPU + H61 = stable 3770k + GPU + H61 (old PSU) = did not boot, motherboard...
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    This has got me in a funk. Without addressing each of your posts, each of which I appreciate, by the way, I think I can safely say that I've tried most of the usual stuff. Reseated everything, checked and rechecked all connections, tried every single combination of hardware that I could given...
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    Well, after additional testing, I think my final steps will be to try my old Celeron in the z77 motherboard, and this i7 in my old H61 motherboard. I'll probably just RMA the i7 if it's unstable in the old board. If both CPUs are stable after the swap, my head is going to explode. :confused:
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    Update: No luck at all. Tried tweaking various things and nothing has helped. Currently running SP1. Pic: Performance bench: Some things I've tweaked back and forth based on advice and Google searches: PWM Phase...
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    Results: Thank you for the suggestion. I ran that, and I received a "pass". However, during the test, the same problem occurred--100% CPU utilization, ~50 degrees Celsius. That makes no sense to me... something is way off here. I have another socket 1155...
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    Windows task manager reports 100% CPU usage while running BurnTest, yet it only hits ~55 C max (rubber bands right around 50 Celsius). I'll download that software and give it a whirl, thanks. edit: Can't seem to run that softawre, and I'm starting to get BSODs now.
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    Reset to defaults, no change
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    I'll try resetting my BIOS to default (haven't changed anything, though) and then turning off power saving. I'll report back in just a sec.
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    New i7-3770k, extremely low performance and low temps...?

    I noticed that my new i7-3770k (stock clocks, etc.) had extremely low temps under load, so I fired up burntest and hwmon and I realized that this CPU just isn't performing. I'm getting consistently less than 40 GFLops, which is right around what my old Celeron G540 used to get. I know from...