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  1. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    ok i tryed the send command and it didnt work so i checked the que log and it only had the one i was working on so i think i may have killed it myself when i was killing a non bigadv wu. my loss but who cares at this point. i thought i had fixed the issue with it turning off but aparently i...
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    wu's not sending/uploading

    thank you sir i will try that
  3. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    ok one last question. when will it try to resend the finished wu? will it be at a random time cause i know ive seen it on my 2700k at random times it will say attempting to send finished wu's no wu's to send or something to that effect or will it try to send both once my current wu is finished...
  4. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    ok thank you for clearing that up. i have to have it uploaded within 2 hours not if it isnt uploaded within 2 hours of completion its useless. that is atleast relieving now if i could get it to stay on long enough to do a fold id be happy
  5. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    Ok after about 35 minutes a 6903 downloaded and is running. Aswell as the comp is still on. I'm sure once I wake up it will be restarted but as long as I've got the wu downloaded I'm fine with it right now. The wu I've already finished are those points more less gone to the wind since it hasn't...
  6. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    i understand that and ill be more than happy to get it for yall tomorrow morning. right now its after 4 am though and im ready to put todays computer isues to rest or the mobo might go flying through the air. i dont believe its a hardware issue though either since it hasnt once reset itself or...
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    wu's not sending/uploading

    im running the g34 version of the noctua cooler with the higher rpm fans sitting next to a cracked window with outside air temperature of roughly 35-55F depending on what time of day it is so it stays pretty cold in that room plus i have a fan blowing air from the window sill to the computer. in...
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    wu's not sending/uploading

    i can tomorrow. it wont be completely accurate though since windows only shows one of my cpu's, i have ubuntu running fah right now seeing if it will stay on and download/send a wu. i havent heard my mobo do it's start up beeps yet but it is 2 rooms away
  9. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    ok ill just let it sit longer. now about the upload of the finished wu. any ideas why that isnt connecting? also the powering off. it doesnt happen when im in windows only in ubuntu. i can nearly guarantee its not temperatures because i havent seen it go over mid low 30's at load in windows...
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    wu's not sending/uploading

    20-30 minutes if my comp will stay on that long
  11. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    so basically if it doesnt send 2 hours after its finished it doesnt count?
  12. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    and again im having the problem with the machine shutting down randomly. its happening about every 5-10 minutes. ive checked all the power options in both ubuntu and windows and everything is set to off or an extremely long amount of time. it freezes for about 3-5 seconds then restarts. it has...
  13. S

    wu's not sending/uploading

    i recently completed a 6903 wu and it said it failed to connect to the http or whatever to send. [16:30:14] DynamicWrapper: Finished Work Unit: sleep=10000 [16:30:24] [16:30:24] Finished Work Unit: [16:30:24] - Reading up to 121622496 from "work/wudata_01.trr": Read 121622496 [16:30:28]...
  14. S

    terrible TPF

    ok i came home and it hadnt restarted but it was frozen after roughly half an hour to an hour of sitting. i dont know if this is part of the settings i have or a hardware issue or what
  15. S

    terrible TPF

    i had to take the bigadv tag off to get a core to actually start... right now im running a 6903 but the computer keeps restarting over night. ive disabled all the sleep timings and such on both ubuntu and windows. hopefully it quits doing that
  16. S

    terrible TPF

    good news all around. got the 32 bit uninstalled and the 64 bit installed. fah is up and running and system monitor is showing all 16 cores. id say its a good night
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    terrible TPF

    no i followed it to the t i just didnt download the right linux version. im downloading a 64 bit right now ill have to install it in the morning
  18. S

    terrible TPF

    i dont have a problem reinstalling i want to get rid of windows and do a solo ubuntu os instead of dual boot. cause with windows installed on the hdd ubuntu is only showing 8 cores and 1 processor aswell. i know both processors work ive tested both of them successfully aswell as its only showing...
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    terrible TPF

    ok so what do i need to get it to run? or do i need to upgrade it to a 64 bit version?
  20. S

    terrible TPF

    chadserver@ubuntu:~$ uname -a Linux ubuntu 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
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    terrible TPF

    chadserver@ubuntu:~/fah$ sudo -s [sudo] password for chadserver: root@ubuntu:~/fah# ./fah6 -configonly bash: ./fah6: cannot execute binary file same stuff
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    terrible TPF

    chadserver@ubuntu:~$ cd fah chadserver@ubuntu:~/fah$ ls fah6
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    terrible TPF

    ok so heres what i did and what im still getting. i input each line individually and i still got the errors chadserver@ubuntu:~$ cd fah chadserver@ubuntu:~/fah$ wget "" --2012-03-29 15:47:39--...
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    terrible TPF

    ok i got ya. ill try it when i get home and let yall know what happens thanks again for all your prompt help
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    terrible TPF

    what do you mean by... If you reran the first line but still were not in the correct starting folder. do i have to open a terminal from that fah folder?
  26. S

    terrible TPF

    See here's the thing with that. I straight copy/pasted that whole code in it downloaded and I noticed it didn't do the last 2 lines so I copy pasted those in. The first of the 2 lines gave me some error like couldn't be found or something to that effect and the chmod did nothing but bring up a...
  27. S

    terrible TPF

    ok i have fah downloaded and when i go to run the chmod ./fah6 -configonly command it pops up and tells me ./fah6 cannot execute binary file. when i look at the properties for fah6 it doesnt show an executable application... what do i need for this?
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    terrible TPF

    yep i already have that and ive been following it so far. im about to download fah now
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    terrible TPF

    im installing ubuntu right now. i had some trouble going straight off the disk so im doing it through win7 and ill just delete win7 later or leave it as a dual boot
  30. S

    terrible TPF

    hmm still seems like i should run through these cores faster though. im surprised it even allowed me to do the bigadv tag if its only recognizing 8 cores. i think i tried adding the tag to my 2700k one day for giggles and it wouldnt even allow me to add it
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    terrible TPF

    ok so it has to be ubuntu only or a higher end windows. so basically my tpf right now is reflecting only 1 cpu with 8 cores?
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    terrible TPF

    home premium. i could download ultimate or profesional and install it cause i can get a product key for one of those but id rather run just ubuntu if thats the case
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    terrible TPF

    do you think id have better luck running f@h in ubuntu in a VM? as far as showing all cpu's and cores i mean. or utilizing all of them rather
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    terrible TPF

    task manager shows 8 cores in the performance section
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    terrible TPF

    bios shows 2 processors and 16 cores but core temp cpuz and everything actually in windows only shows 1 and 8 cores/threads... except device manager that shows 16 individual cores but what is shown is being used 100%
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    terrible TPF

    no fah is using anywhere from 97-99%
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    terrible TPF

    windows 7. im using hfm which calculates on the fly and the folding at home bonus point calculator to determine roughly how many points and for tpf by looking at the log and seeing the times as well as hfm for tpf. no i just got the system up and running still trying to get my first wu completed
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    terrible TPF

    well i ran another non bigadv normal size wu i think it was 6947 and had a tpf of over 7 minutes for that which wasnt much better ppd still under 6k ppd the wu didnt kill the core i stopped it and removed the que file so i could get a new one. its running 20+ tpf on 6097 aswell
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    terrible TPF

    system is a dual opteron 6128 8 core's btw
  40. S

    terrible TPF

    oooh might be a typo/ 6098 sound better?