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  1. A

    What Z690 board are you eyeing?

    Thanks Dan_D. If I could wait for a new build I would. Or if the $/performance were not so insanely out of whack. I would be all over DDR5. I have no problem paying a premium to be on the front end or leading edge. But with DDR5 it comes out to an extra $500-$600. If my rough look/math is...
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    What Z690 board are you eyeing?

    Dan_D and the rest of the awesome folks on here. I need some help. Yes, I am probably overthinking this. But I hate to buy something I am unhappy with. I was really hoping to get another 12-18 months out of my current setup. I was looking forward to Zen4 and Intel 4. My computer/media...
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    HP Touchpad 16GB $99, 32GB $149, Active for .edu

    We will see what happens. My HP SMB order is still sitting out there. If I get it fantastic. If not...well I am just going to have to see what the Amazon Tablet looks like. I would love it if I get the 32gb HP Touchpad I ordered but I am not sure if it is worth much more than the sale...