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  1. Z

    NVIDIA Adaptive VSync Technology Review @ [H]

    kinda disagree too, i have used 120 lcds, and 200 hz monitors, and the observation of tearing is about the same as if it where a 60hz setup. its just as equal of a problem at high refresh rates.
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    NVIDIA Adaptive VSync Technology Review @ [H]

    cant do it, you know just as much as I do that it does not exist but come on now, its not that bad. my samsung S27A950D does look ok. i think the 120hz out weighs its flaws. but yes, it would be nice to see 120hz moved to IPS panels. I don not think the resolution issue will be...
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    NVIDIA Adaptive VSync Technology Review @ [H]

    agreed, i would like to be able to set the trigger points
  4. Z

    NVIDIA Adaptive VSync Technology Review @ [H]

    THIS is the real solution, 120hz or go home
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    EA Set To Layoff +500 Employees?

    correction, gabe needs more money than EA cuz the guy cares about PC gaming more than EA..... and maybe a couple of cheese burgers.... actually, maybe i deserve the money too.
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    EA Set To Layoff +500 Employees?

    EDIT: Game of the year awards for games that come out 2 years after the fact ... THOSE LAUGHABLE rewards.......... sigh
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    EA Set To Layoff +500 Employees?

    i like how EA said they would just keep making award winning games after winning the golden turd award from the consumerist... to EA: you mean those rewards you get from gaming magazines before the game even exists. Those rewards you get based only off concept art and how much EA has...
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    EA Set To Layoff +500 Employees?

    EA getting smaller... I am happy as can be. hurry up and die this time i dont like people losing their jobs because execs mad them do crappy games, but i also simply hate EA more for lowering the bar for game studios and consumers.
  9. Z

    CISPA Sounds A Lot Like SOPA

    maybe. but really, who is voting for Mitt Romney. The guy stands for nothing ... nothing at all. At least nothing the average person would care about. could we find someone in this forum that would admit for voting for him? Can you find someone in your community who voted for...
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    CISPA Sounds A Lot Like SOPA

    i am really starting to think you guy have corrupt elections. Your screwed ! maybe a bunch of you guys should talk to your neighbors and try to find out if any of you guys actually voted for the people that won. Something smells fishy
  11. Z

    Cable Bills Could Reach $200 A Month By 2020

    cable TV bills are going to go up simply because many of us are moving away from cable tv. now, my cable bill is still high since i have maxed out cable tv for the girl friend and maxed out internet for me. that gives me a a bill of $220 a month for every channel and 100mb/s net access...
  12. Z

    One In Five U.S. Adults Do Not Use the Internet

    it is impressive actually. imagine one of us trying to resist everything electronic. It would take a complete break down of society to force me to give up these things.
  13. Z

    Max Payne 3 Video Shows Off Bullet Time

    i am going to make a bold prediction to top this off. When this comes out, it will be a let big let down, not as Duke nuken big, but dam close. Who am i kidding.... its not a bold prediction.. its 100% predictable.
  14. Z

    Max Payne 3 Video Shows Off Bullet Time

    that's where you guys fail. I was hardcore enough to know to stay away from this game when the first one came out. i try to avoid shitty games. it does not matter if the first one came out for PC, this one is going to be for console lamers.
  15. Z

    One In Five U.S. Adults Do Not Use the Internet

    most of those 1 in 5 people are probably proud of it too. Just wait 20 years and they will be all gone
  16. Z

    Max Payne 3 Video Shows Off Bullet Time

    i have no clue since i have been programming computers since 1981 when i was 6 years old. please enlighten me as to my n00b qualities. my statement stands
  17. Z

    Max Payne 3 Video Shows Off Bullet Time

    just more stuff so console gamers can pretend they got skillz. The rest of us know that skillz happen in real time
  18. Z

    BBB Says Mass Effect 3 Was Falsely Advertised

    why not, Al Qaeda did as promised and knocked those towers down. People got what they paid for
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    Scratch Project: Acronym (mITX XBMC HTPC)

    AWESOME, I can not say one bad thing
  20. Z

    Hardcore Gamers Still Prefer Physical Media

    you know what real gamers like us need to do to really stop these wankers from pretending they represent gamers, we need to stop letting these wannabe gamers call themselves gamers. Gamers play on PC first , a little console. Thats a gamer Gamers do NOT play cell phones games, and they...
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    Why Next-Gen Gaming Consoles Will Let You Play Used Games

    when you buy a console, your SUPPORT this garbage industry. Stop supporting it, the games are crap anyway
  22. Z

    Hardcore Gamers Still Prefer Physical Media

    in this case, the author ignored hardcore gamers completely
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    Hardcore Gamers Still Prefer Physical Media

    whoever wrote this fails at understanding what hardcore means
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    Intel SSD to Boost Windows 8 Boot, Wake Times

    fuck windows 8, the future looks bad
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    Old School Hacktivists No Fans Of Anonymous

    i support them, now you know someone
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    How To Power Down Windows 8

    Good idea, I think i will buy another copy of win7 when win8 goes retail
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    How To Power Down Windows 8

    i would not worry about this. nobody making serious applications is going to force you to run win 8, just as nobody forced you to run vista to run their software. MS is going to fail to force this on to people, just like every other attempt to change the desktop they failed. They...
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    How To Power Down Windows 8

    i knew, thanks
  29. Z

    How To Power Down Windows 8

    these companies been have expecting the death of the PC you 20 years, and still just dont get it, the PC is going to stick around for a long time it will survive tablets, phones, ipods, touch screen, laptops, ps3, ps4, xbox. just like a said 15-20 years ago, x86 varients will be hear forever...
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    How To Power Down Windows 8

    i dont know why MS has such a hard-on for getting rid of the basic win95 interface, every single OS since win98 they have been trying something to get rid of the win95 interface MS: leave it alone, we like the win95 interface. Every OS you bring out makes more settings that I have to...
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    Windows 8 UI is Dropping the ‘Start’ Button

    nm, looked it up.. not going to be a game changer.. sorry
  32. Z

    Windows 8 UI is Dropping the ‘Start’ Button

    what is a metro app?
  33. Z

    Best Buy Closing U.S. Stores, Opening Stores In China

    ya, i dont get it, the chinesse are too smart to buy anything at best buy... thats not going to work well for bestbuy
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    Rogers to Expand LTE to 25 Canadian Cities
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    Rogers to Expand LTE to 25 Canadian Cities

    this is not correct, it would be correct to say that wireless internet in canada sucks. Wired internet is great in western canada, 100-250 mbs download speeds now common, a little slow on upload speeds still at around 5-15 mbs,
  36. Z

    Battlefield 3 Patch Coming Tuesday

    to little to late
  37. Z

    What Your E-Mail Addy Says About Your Credit Score

    I have a score of 790, and i use hotmail and Gmail. of course what the study likely does not reflect is, us users who had hotmail accounts since the beginning of time, when hotmail was the only major free-mail service people where willing to touch. I suspect hotmail users here fall into...
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    League of Legends Surpasses 30 Million Registered Players

    LoL is a crappy game, i have spoken
  39. Z

    Batman: Arkham City to Get Early Release at Times Square Event

    if i wwas done in NYC, i would be at Occupy Wall street instead of this silly game