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  1. T

    Understanding a One Box solution (ESXi & NAS)

    I was 100% sure that intel was for me and after reading and pricing and comparing, along with looking at a lot of specs posted here I find myself looking very hard at AMD. Thanks for the info on upcoming chips as I was looking at current. Kind of a side note but same idea is my laptop (Dell...
  2. T

    Understanding a One Box solution (ESXi & NAS)

    Hopefully I'll know first hand soon enough. You Guys have been giving some good topics to deep dive on and potentially build once I determine the parts.
  3. T

    Understanding a One Box solution (ESXi & NAS)

    Both but more reads than writes typically. I've started playing with FreeNAS and the ESXi apps from USB inside VMware workstation as I read through these forums to get a bytes idea of what questions to ask and where my lack of knowledge lies. Now that you've mentioned RAID6 I'm seeing it in...
  4. T

    Understanding a One Box solution (ESXi & NAS)

    Disk I/O is probably one of my biggest concerns. Based on cost and reality my hope is that by using SATA 6/GBs 7200RPM drives in a hardware RAID 10 configuration that I may still be okay. I currently have a dual-core, 8GB machine with one RAID for the OS and applications and a RAID-10 for my...
  5. T

    Understanding a One Box solution (ESXi & NAS)

    I have been reading a ton of data on this topic and I've gottta admit (sheepishly) that I haven't researched the zfs thread. Partially because I didn't think to and partially due to it being even further outside my comfort zone. I'll read up on those tomorrow...thanks for the heads up and...
  6. T

    Understanding a One Box solution (ESXi & NAS)

    Looking for some intitial guidance... End Goal: One Physical machine with many purposes What this is being used for: - Centralizing, Limiting footprint, Testing, Education, Mimic systems I work with Desired Virtual Systems: - One physical system that runs 7 VM's (24/7) - 4 of...