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  1. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Ok, today i've the same problem with default system configuration. After some time spent playing Crysis i had black screen, bla bla bla.... damn! I'm still waiting for an answer from Coolermaster, but now i think the problem is related to MB or VGAs. It seems like something degrades day by day...
  2. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Hi and thanks for your suggestions on CPU overcloking but atm is not my intention to go over 4,6 for everyday use, cause, first of all, i really need to buy a better fan fo my Scythe Mugen 2. Thanks anyway. About my VGAs problem, i'm waiting for a reply from Coolermaster about the right way to...
  3. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    I'm an idiot! This is my correct RAM modell 1600Mhz CORSAIR XMS3 Classic DC KIT CL7 rt [CMX4GX3M2A1600C7] I bought G.SKILL for a friend of mine... sorry...
  4. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Mmmm looking at my RAM XMP profile it says 7-8-7-20, not 24. Do you think i can safely use 20 instead of 24? Thanks
  5. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    You're right, but the 7-7-7 is only a misspell. I mean 7-8-7. I tried to download the new driver from the link above, but i got an "Unauthorized Download", i'll try to google it and also i'll search for some kind of changelog. Thanks.
  6. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Ok i've update my signature! :p Now i'm using. AMD Catalyst 11.2 on Windows 7 64
  7. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    I've a Coolermaster 1200W Silent Pro Gold (85+ gold cert.) and that's why i think there's something "strange". But why that happens only with overcloked CPU? I did nothing on VGAs!
  8. R

    Problem - XFX 6970 Xfire and loss of power

    Hi to everyone! As you can see on this thread (, i had some problem with my 2 xfx 6970 while overcloking only the CPU. After a random time running a 3D application i had black screen. Briefly i found a first solution setting "Radeon power" to...
  9. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Thank you for your support Adam, but actually i've found no problems with my ram. Also an intensive Memtest results in no errors. Now i need to undestand more about my 6970s power consumption and my PSU power output on 12V lines.
  10. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Ok i've found it thanks to Falkentyne! :D I tried to lower the Radeon power settings to -20 and i had no problem with Unigine while i had the same problem with stock settings. Every card was connected to the PSU by a single cable with a 8pin + 6pin PCIE connector. I changed this setup using...
  11. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    I also thought something about VGAs, but i didn't OC them, neither i changed BCLK freqs. Are there other settings that can affect VGA's stability?
  12. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    I did some try with every ram setting in Auto, but nothing changes. What i could try is setting it manually to 1333Mhz and, if it could help, setting Volts to 1,65 while leaving timings to Auto. Do you think that i can replicate the problem with Memtest? I'm at work atm, i'll do some try later.
  13. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Every slot's populated. Maybe you'll rght, but the question is: why everything's fine with Prime, Intel Burn Test and Aida stress test? I've this problem only while playing 3d games... that's frustrating!
  14. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    @Adam But i've no problem running @1600 with stock CPU settings, and no problems under Intel Burn Test that uses every single byte of ram if launched at Extreme setting. I see that you've also 2x 6950 in CF. I was thinking about some strange problem with a Xfire conf, but it's only a "last...
  15. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    No good news... I did a try also with these settings: - Vcore manual @1.420 - LLC regular - Phase & Duty Extreme - Multi @46 Still freezes! But i noticed something: when the game freezes and the screen becomes black (and with the monitor led blinking yellow as it was in standby) i'm still able...
  16. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    I did a BIOS upgrade to 1502 and i can see some improvement unde stress test. @4.7 now i only need a +0.030V with LLC set to high! I ran Intel Burn test at Extreme setting with 32 Thread and 6500MB of Ram without any kind of problem. After that i logged World of Warcraft and after some minute...
  17. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Results about temps you mean? I'll try it tonight. Stay connected! :D Do you think a bios update could help?
  18. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Hi guys and ty! I've got no problem with default settings, and i use a Coolermaster Silent Pro Gold 1200 Watt as a PSU, so i think is no a "power" related problem! :) I specified my memory setup manually (ops i've missed something in my spec... sry) 1600 Mhz @1,65V 7-8-7-24, as suggested by...
  19. R

    Problems overcloking I7 2600K - System freezes

    Hi guys! First of all a big "hello!" to everyone cause this is my first post on this great forum and i hope you can forgive me for my bad english. :-) I read every post about overcloking Sandy Bridge, but i've some problem with my spec when i play 3D games, although everything is stable...
  20. R

    Official ASUS P8P67 Series Overclocking Guide and Information

    moved to a new thread.