Search results

  1. B

    Any Android/iOS Miners Legit?

    There is the one from minergate.
  2. B

    Health Insurer Loses Hard Drives Containing Personal Data On 950K Patients

    pfft I do that all the time minus the xp part
  3. B

    ASUS Matrix OR Poseidon - CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON!

    Replace this crappy HD2000
  4. B

    IPC performance increase

    Well a newer i5 wouldn't hurt but only if you planed on ocing it. With the i3 the only way to know is to test it for yourself, emulator benchmarks don't really show the whole picture.
  5. B

    Wolfenstein: The New Order Performance Review @ [H]

    Using that version of opengl probably has some to do with this amd, intel, and nvidia all have their own problems with opengl drivers
  6. B

    Phenom II x4 965 + Asus m4a77td overclocking problem

    4 ghz is almost an high as a 965 will go you can't do it on stock volts
  7. B

    Lower end upgrade of an old 8800 gt 256mb

    With that cpu there is no point of getting a gpu that fast. He should get a 5770 or something like that.
  8. B

    6950 vs. 560 ti and 1gb vs 2gb?

    That cpu will hold you back with those video cards. Yon need to upgrade it or at least overclock it.
  9. B

    Corsair "Barebones" Christmas Giveaway!

    Their quality products
  10. B

    Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

    It's better than my card
  11. B

    Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

    Because it is new and mine is old
  12. B

    Need advice. Which GPU to keep?

    The 5850 is faster
  13. B

    Enermax Platimax 850W Drawing!!!!!!!!!!

    This psu here because i won it
  14. B

    3-D Giving You a Headache? You’re Not Alone

    Even the 3DS gives me a headache
  15. B

    Help with Overclocking please

    Yes that is what happens when you overclock using the base clock.
  16. B

    New rig and game performance

    One 500 Ti of 6870 is overkill for that resolution you should buy a new monitor
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    EVGA GTX 560 2GB Benchmarks - any out yet?

    I think the only change they have 2GB of vram so the beckmarks will be the same as the 1GB models because most games are never vram limited
  18. B

    Can my system handle 2x gtx260s in SLI?

    That mobo can't sli
  19. B

    MSI Barebone System Give-Away

    the awesome look
  20. B

    16x 4x crossfire with suprising results,2887-9.html
  21. B

    XFX Radeon HD 6990 Drawing!

    That xfx didn't wuss out on the parts they used unlike some of their other cards
  22. B

    XFX Black Edition PSU Drawing!

    the green is sweet
  23. B

    Corsair Vengeance™ 8GB Dual Channel DDR3 Memory Kit Drawing

    never win anything
  24. B

    Suggest a new card

    yeah i got my 460 768MB for $90 after rebates
  25. B

    MSI N560GTX Ti Twin Frozr II OC Give-away!
