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  1. J

    Dell U2311H

    The latest is REV A02...
  2. J

    Dell U2311H

    Yes. It disappears when you bump the screen brightness to like 90, but otherwise the slight buzzing sound is pretty much always present - sometimes slightly louder, sometimes less audible, but it's there.
  3. J

    Dell U2311H

    On a positive note though, the last couple of days I spent on my Macbook Pro only (now I hooked it back to Dell U2311H again), and was quite amazed about the overall picture/colors quality on Dell! The colors really do look inaccurate and overly saturated on the laptop compared to when having it...
  4. J

    Dell U2311H

    Nice setup man. What are those monitors (speakers)?
  5. J

    Dell U2311H

    Geez, this yellow tinting on the left half of the screen is really freaking annoying. No matter how I adjust my RGB it will still be be visible after a while on a white background. What can I do with this crap.....
  6. J

    Dell U2311H

    I guess the latter. ;)
  7. J

    Dell U2311H

    Hmm, from the video A01 seems better than A02 in terms of "color shift." But it's really hard to say from a video like that. On my A01 the gray background in the Lagom test remains gray when I scroll up and down the way you did in the vid. But I do notice it's brighter on the right and darker on...
  8. J

    Dell U2311H

    Please do report. I'm curious if the tinting issue has been fixed.
  9. J

    Dell U2311H

    What's the SIW?
  10. J

    Dell U2311H

    Yeah, I've had 2x A01 and both have dirtier left side of the screen and I find the IPS glow annoying too. I can't believe how so many people drool over this monitor and claim it's so great and blahblah, when it really ISN'T THAT great. I mean, yes, the colors are indeed nice and everything, and...
  11. J

    Dell U2311H

    So an all-white screen was really white? Or was it slightly "dirtier" on the left side of the screen?
  12. J

    Dell U2311H

    Is the color uniformity any better now on A02?? What about IPS glow?
  13. J

    Dell U2311H

    Hmm, so the REV A02 is apparently already out??!?
  14. J

    Samsung XL2370

    Hey guys, I've been considering getting an XL2370, but then there are also the BX2450 and SM2494HM. Which of the three would be the best choice?
  15. J

    Dell U2311H

    I tried turning the monitor upwards a bit, but it didn't help - it even worsened the situation..... I've really started considering getting a Samsung XL2370 or something of sorts instead.....
  16. J

    Dell U2311H

    I find the "IPS-glow" pretty frustrating. I just watched a movie and no matter how I sat in my chair (leaned back or not) there was always a golden glow in the lower left corner or even the right one. It is QUITE ANNOYING, esp. because the movie was not full screen, so there was vertical black...
  17. J

    Dell U2311H

    So I exchanged my u2311h for a new one, but it's pretty much the same as my previous one - the "dirty" left side of the monitor is still present. Pretty lame. Is there any way to "fix" this issue? Some sort of calibration that would fix it?
  18. J

    Dell U2311H

    Can sb tell me how can I check the luminance level of my monitor?
  19. J

    Dell U2311H

    I see... It's pretty sad that such issues occur, and it's actually pretty easily noticeable that the left side is darker on a white background - just going to the TFT Central page you posted makes it pretty obvious. I'm going to take my laptop to a computer store today and plug it to a Samsung...
  20. J

    Dell U2311H

    I've also noticed that the left side of the monitor seems slightly "dirtier" than the right one - you can notice this color non-uniformity especially on an all-white background, though you can notice it on certain other backgrounds as well... Anyone else noticed it?
  21. J

    Dell U2311H

    Btw, are these tests here still relevant today (it seems they are from like 2007...)? ---> Should these checkerboard patterns all be really clear, or is it fine if some of them (esp. the last couple of them) are barely distinguishable from...
  22. J

    Dell U2311H

    I think I might try and get a replacement for mine (A01) especially because of the buzzing sound. Two more things though: is there any word on when A02 is supposed to be hitting the stores? Also, should I really be getting another u2311h as a replacement? The thing that bothers me is that the...
  23. J

    Dell U2311H

  24. J

    Dell U2311H

    Ok, I took some screenshots with a desk lamp on in Bootcamp (Mac). I'll post some right now..
  25. J

    Dell U2311H

    Ok, I'll try to take some more accurate snapshots in the dark. What's the best way to make the screen black? Previously I did it by reducing the contrast to 0. Will this be fine?
  26. J

    Dell U2311H

    The pics you posted surely seem to look better in terms of "glow" than the ones I posted. I just tried it again in the dark: if I sit low there will be a slight glow in the lower left corner. However, if I raise my chair a bit, there will be more glow. As for the buzzing sound, could it harm the...
  27. J

    Dell U2311H

    Hey guys, I'm new here. Just yesterday I purchased a Dell u2311h (REV A01) for my Macbook Pro, but I'm not that happy with it. Here's what my complaints would be: 1. I can hear a barely audible, yet still annoying buzzing sound from the back of the monitor. Is there anything that could be done...