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  1. Z

    Support Your Fellow [H] Reader By Kickstarting This Project!

    Pretty sweet, like the simultaneous player interactions.
  2. Z

    The WTF Door Design of the Day

    They do occasionally like in bathrooms or between spaces where the door is usually open. I think it's just that pocket doors are more expensive, lot more work, and are non-standard, so people wouldn't be used to them. I saw a few houses that had interior doors with nice spring loaded pocket...
  3. Z

    Flappy Bird's Creator Says He's Taking the Game Down

    Saw a post about this from another successful developer that made millions. Said he was getting death threats and people were bashing his app. But still, if you're already going to get the death threats, might as well collect the cash to make it worth it.
  4. Z

    Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

    I like this aspect too, and am really interested to see how much "twitch" factor there will be. In something like Eve, it's mainly about build out and tactics, only slightly about quick hands.
  5. Z

    Four Weeks of Galaxy Give-Aways!

    Because it's sweet like candy.
  6. Z

    Moving from WHSv1 to ZFS - New Build 40TB

    I've been waiting on a backordered motherboard and the drives, but everything just arrived a couple days ago and I'm starting to put the whole thing together:
  7. Z

    Moving from WHSv1 to ZFS - New Build 40TB

    Did you guys encounter any issues going with ESXi? After reading more about what people are doing with it, I'm going to try to setup my server that way, much more powerful to be able to run a few VM's rather than just the one OS. I've kept away from VM's in the past because of the added...
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    Moving from WHSv1 to ZFS - New Build 40TB

    lightp2: I've heard some of those recommendations around memory as well, but for the load I am looking to put on this box I've heard that 8gb should be sufficient. Since it's for home use I don't have a large amount of concurrent users, or things like big databases where high IOPS and...
  9. Z

    Moving from WHSv1 to ZFS - New Build 40TB

    I was checking out the IBM M1015, have you had any compatibility issues, or is it the same as the LSI card once you flash it?
  10. Z

    Moving from WHSv1 to ZFS - New Build 40TB

    Thanks for all the great info, this will really help solidify my plans. odditory: Thanks, I try to make sure I do my homework before asking the same questions over and over. ;) - I was considering virtualizing, but I've heard there can be issues with that on O/S that support ZFS...
  11. Z

    Moving from WHSv1 to ZFS - New Build 40TB

    I currently have a WHSv1 built around a Coolmaster Stacker chassis and a bunch of 4x3 modules. It is running on an old AMD Opteron 190 and AOC-SASLP-MV8 + motherboard ports for storage. I'm running out of room in the case and ports, and while it was very easy to use this solution never really...