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  1. J

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    The 220gt runs off a stock psu without problem so im not sure why they would upgrade for that. Are you thinking of running this with the dual core you bought? Cause if you can find a low profile low power 9600gt I think you might be ok without a psu upgrade. Im just basing this on my...
  2. J

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Also this card is single slot (at least the sapphire version i have and had 2 sets of lp plates) thus i can keep my tv card :)
  3. J

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Hi all i've read alot of this forum and just wanted to give a few of my experiances, I was looking for a graphics upgrade for a 5xxx series slimline and in the end i went for the 5570 hd I havent seen much discussed about this card but thus far my experiances have been positive, it consumes...
  4. J

    The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread

    Hi everyone, i've been reading this thread as im looking to upgrade the gpu in my new style slimline (220w psu) however no-one here seems to have really considered much undervolting to save power thus allowing an upgrade without a new psu. It was very hard to find working software on win 7 x64...