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  1. W

    Bad Company 2

    Do you actually go out of your way to abuse all of the bullshit weapons in the game?
  2. W

    Bad Company 2

    Anyone using Eyefinity with this game? SWEET!
  3. W

    Bad Company 2

    In general, I agree with the changes made. I think, as far as combat goes, they nerfed the chopper a bit too much. An attack chopper should be a ruthless attack force, perhaps, if they felt that it was too powerful, they could have increased the chopper spawn time, or decreased the health a...
  4. W

    Bad Company 2

    Good fucking riddance. It had its day and I am glad it is gone.
  5. W

    Multi-cores cpu's, why not so good for multi-tasking?

    Absolutely. In a real-time Operating System, the scheduler sends out tasks to whatever resources are available, this includes each core as a separate processor. For example, if you are doing a CPU intensive task -such as video encoding- and the software that you are using does not take...
  6. W

    Bad Company 2

    Yup! And like 21 deaths.
  7. W

    Bad Company 2

    I got 260 points in an entire game yesterday. I was thoroughly embarrassed.
  8. W

    ATi's next generation GPUs

    Anyone have info on the next ATi GPUs? They will most likely be a refresh of the current 5xxx series, which is cool, but I have heard nothing about it. Anyone got any information on this? They should be releasing soon, I would think. This is the only article I found...
  9. W

    Bad Company 2

    Kill cam is pretty much M60 cam.
  10. W

    Bad Company 2

    Are you guys forcing DX11?
  11. W

    Bad Company 2

    Or if they allowed the the server admins to disable certain weapons? If there was a server with no 40mm or CG, I would never stop playing... seriously, fuck grad school and pulse-width modulation.
  12. W

    Bad Company 2

    Using the 40mm grenade is bad enough... Using the 40mm grenade POINT BLANK should be punishable by death.
  13. W

    Bad Company 2

    Let him, his palms are probably hairy.
  14. W

    L4D or L4D2

    I do not like the Carnival or the Swamp level. Just drab, uneventful, low replay value.
  15. W

    Bad Company 2

    Are your servers HC? Minimap? FF? BBQ? etc?
  16. W

    Cliff Bleszinski Reschedules Game Announcement

    UT2003 was one of my favorite games of all time. I 100% agree with you Brucie!
  17. W

    L4D or L4D2

    I think it is more of the same, but I just did not like campaign mode in the second as much as the first. Scavenge mode is by far my favorite, but, the last few times I tried to play, no one was on... :(
  18. W

    Bad Company 2

    While I understand your point, my friend, this is how I like to play the class. If I wanted short to mid-range, I would play assault. When RECON, I like to stand back and snipe, call in artillery, throw down motion mines, Use tracer darts on armor, knife passer-byers, etc. It seems to me that...
  19. W

    Bad Company 2

    When I play a sniper, one thing that really is starting to piss me off is the LMGs being anti-sniper weapons. If you shoot a medic at sniping distance, but do not kill him, he can see where the damage came from and shoot in your general direction. This will, more often than not, kill you before...
  20. W

    Cliff Bleszinski Reschedules Game Announcement

    You, sir, owe me a keyboard. I actually laughed out loud at that!
  21. W

    Bad Company 2

    I like hardcore, but the mini-map and spotting are a core part of the way I play the game. Hardcore damage with all the goodies would be ideal for me. :p Oh, and no Gustav or 40mm. Fuck the 40mm.
  22. W

    L4D or L4D2

    Agreed. I absolutely hate two of the levels in the second one where I generally liked all of the levels in the first.
  23. W

    L4D or L4D2

    I disagree. I actually fired up L4D2 this week-end for the first time in months and have a terrible time finding games. No one is really playing anymore.
  24. W

    13 Glaring iPad Shortcomings

    You are on the wrong site, sir. You meant to type this into YouTube I'm sure. I love how a majority of comments that make blanket insults about others being "stupid" are written by victims of profound retardation.
  25. W

    Windows 7 SP1 Beta Leaked?

    Are you both talking facts or speculation? Serious question, btw.
  26. W

    Cliff Bleszinski Reschedules Game Announcement

    You did not like Call of Jaurez: BiB?
  27. W

    90 degree angled SATA ports...

    This^^^ Cookie for danomite!
  28. W

    Bad Company 2

    And mouse wheel. NEVER MOUSE WHEEL in BFBC2.
  29. W

    Bad Company 2

    Any they probably nerfed it into worthlessness because of you! Ban this man!
  30. W

    13 Glaring iPad Shortcomings

    You probably should omit that from the resume. ;)
  31. W

    Bad Company 2

    I see. Sway only occurs when you are moving the target, meaning it has no effect on stationary operation, correct?
  32. W

    Bad Company 2

    Give me an example of what sway is in game, please. I am noob.
  33. W

    13 Glaring iPad Shortcomings

    Messy fingerprints is the leading complaint for McDonald's users too.
  34. W

    Bad Company 2

    Based on the link, why would anyone use the GOL over the M24? Just the slightly faster reload time?
  35. W

    13 Glaring iPad Shortcomings

    MSNBC, btw and a shitty list to boot. Slippery? Really?
  36. W

    Bad Company 2

    It is called the Klobb, I believe.
  37. W

    Bad Company 2

    This is due to the fact that the default key for Defib is 3 and the default key for the repair tool is 4. Instead, the rocket launcher is defaulted to 3... About a dozen times now, I have tried to repair a tank, but actually ended up kamikaze Gustav'ing the dying tank. Embarrassing.
  38. W

    Bad Company 2

    The Gustav seriously needs to go away. Nonsense.
  39. W servers hacked... check your card statements asap

    Thank you for this. My co-worker had someone charge a laptop and accessories from Newegg last week or so. He is currently discussing this with American Express Fraud. He had no idea where the charges came from, but he did order something from Monoprice in that time period. This is very...
  40. W

    Question on multiple monitor setups

    Thanks folks! I like the idea of 6 monitors on one card. That one looks good. Is there a retail card that comes with 6x mini Display Port to DVI? If not which mini-DP to DVI connectors do you recommend?