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  1. K

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    I'm simply saying it doesn't act the same as the 'standard' error. It could certainly still be a video hardware problem, but your symptoms don't match the usual pattern.
  2. K

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Of course not, you've got a different problem. When the GPU problem manifests itself, you don't get BSODs and safe mode doesn't work. You get nothing. Nada. No screen activity whatsoever. This problem sounds like a borked video driver or something. Have you recently updated anything?
  3. K

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Yeah, that's the whole issue, actually. The solder ceases to conduct electricity across it, so suddenly your computer has no GPU. Kinda like a car battery that's so corroded at the terminals that you can't start your car anymore. You can sometimes tap on the terminal, or wiggle it a bit, and...
  4. K

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Usually the GPU problem manifests in a complete failure to boot - turn on the machine and the fan spins up and the hard drive light comes on, then nothing. It just hangs there. No video activity at all. If you're getting BSOD's and driver error messages it could be a different issue.
  5. K

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Wow, I've never heard of this happening while working - usually it happens on bootup. Aside from that tho it sounds like the same GPU issue. I've had my repaired XT5300T back for a few weeks now, running like a champ.
  6. K

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    OK, sounds like best practices going forward are: 1) Get a good laptop auxiliary cooler. I'm cruising Newegg now, any suggestions? 2) Don't shut down immediately after use - let the laptop idle for 5-10 minutes before shutdown. 3) If leaving the laptop sitting, sounds like letting...
  7. K

    Everex XT5000T Support thread

    Hey all. I've had my 5300T for about 2 years and back in December had the familiar black screen. Finding Everex and their US site gone, I stumbled across this forum and reading all your solutions kept me from abandoning this laptop. Long story short, I found Arndt Computer Repair in the St...