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  1. S

    living with Eyefinity when NOT gaming...

    I also had 2 monitors, now I use Hydragrid, that solved all my problems.
  2. S

    Eyefinity Owners: Landscape or Portrait?

    I was misunderstood, obviously. I was trying to emphasize meaning of landscape setup versus portrait setup. The comparison of lcd-tv, 30 inch monitor and a portrait setup was an attempt of oxplaining where my logic comes from. I will clarify my thoughts. There is no great difference between...
  3. S

    Eyefinity Owners: Landscape or Portrait?

    Yes, but eyefinity without bigger FOV is useless. Why have 3 monitors pivoted when you can have one 30 inch monitor? Bigger screen than 30 inch really isn't the goal of eyefinity for gaming. For that purpose I use my LCD TV, capable of 1920x1080 at 100Hz, perfectly enough for gaming with same...
  4. S

    living with Eyefinity when NOT gaming...

    There is no need for hotkey-swapping profiles, just use Hydravision. Put the limits right in the middle of monitors and thats it. If you still want some programs to maximize over all screens, you just maximize it, but if you want it to be only on one or only on 2 monitors, or whatever you come...
  5. S

    Eyefinity Owners: Landscape or Portrait?

    Landscape, impossible to do portrait because I cannot pivot my monitors (using CRT). While I'm doing something else than playing, I also have neck workout :D :D :D Like in tennis :D :D
  6. S

    Eyefinity without breaking the bank

    (pardon my english) I don't think anything below 5850 is adequate for triple screen widescreen gaming, atleast any serious gaming. There is an adapter from HP that works fine, the code is: AS615AA. I have tested it and it works. I don't know the prise in your country, but I got it from HP...